Starcraft 2


I'm looking for a Starcraft 2 account that I could "borrow" for a couple of days or for a week. I've been interested in this game for quite some time and I want to give it a go before I buy it.

I could give something in return if needed.

u can play it for free...

google sc2 starter edition

I finished that, so I'm looking for one I could borrow aswell, can lend you a bf3 account in return but first help out kevin haha
afaik there was some discount 2-3 weeks ago where sc2 costed 10$ :F
Then buy it, it costs like 20euro? Just the campaign is worth it so even if you dont feel like playing competitive its not gonna be wasted money.
it's 40 but ye, why not
thats strange, in pol you can get it for 20-25
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