Exclusive Interview before Korea!

served, gj
this should get them mad, trololol
best ever !!!!!
cant stop listening because of the voice sound of his voice so good with the music
Represent ET!
haha too funny :D

gl mate
hhahahaaha , thx , with that i go to work now! :D
the laugh is making this pure gold
haha, finally some good content up this bitch
Hahaha :D

Hope you posted this on tek-9! Want to see what response venezuela faggots come up with :D
Not gonna lie... shit was good.
just loged in a second time to write this

fucking nice :_D
You better bring your A-Game in Korea now! Gotta say, you're not taking off any pressure ;-)
Winners give pressure, they don't take it. Better win this one Ati_ mmkay? no pressure
link to tek9 post plx, that was really great
5/5 :D that was just great
well done :)
ha ha ha so hilarious ha ha ha...

gl joof
Oh god that was fucking funny! :D
The laugh at the end just killed me
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