Need laptop help

Guys i need a nice laptop to use for school, with word and stuff on it, good memory and has to be fast, dont want some slow shit.

btw dont a fucking small screen

max i can spend: 500 eu

prefer links from dutch companys

like mediamarkt/bcc and stuff

What screensize do you want? 17"?

I would recommend 15.4" since you can get a decent setup with that.

Check the Lenovos and Asus in your pricerange.

If you give me a couple of more sites, I can have a quick look up. Media Markt and BCC don't seem to have anything decent to offer within that price range.

You should be able to get an Asus/Acer/HP/Lenovo/PackardBell with a new gen i3 (i5 would be even better of course) and some middle classed graphics card for around 500 Euro. That goes for 15,4" screens without any fancy gadgets like bluray, HD etc.

we dont rlly have alot of electronic shops where i live

if you need more i can see what i can find

btw should i go for an asus i5?
I got an Asus Laptop with an Intel i5 as well. No complaints at all.

If you don't intend on gaming with it though, an Intel i3 and an integrated graphics card (like Intel HD something) should be good enough and also cheaper.

E: From those pages this is probably the fastest (not necessarily the best) you could get for 500Euro
At least with an Intel CPU and Nvidia graphicscard. I personally hate AMD and ATI cards. From what I've heard they still have driver problems and all kind of bugs. I prefer to have a reliable (yet slightly slower) laptop rather than a faster but problem loaded one.
The ''Werk&Studie'' ( Work and studying bar is very low )

i need a laptop for studying :p
mag die van mij over kopen 499
15,6 inch
triple core
4gb ram ddr3
2 video kaarten (kan switche tussen beide , zodat als je dagje word gebruikt je niet alle stroom aan de zwaardere videokaart kwijt bent)
1 video kaart en 1 geïntegreerd kut ding bedoel je, je klinkt nu wel erg interessant xD
noshit waarom denk je dat ik van dat kk ding af wil
Koop gwn een asus met i5 en klaar.
Luister naar deze man.
Ja want, een ASUS en I5 is fucking goed. Lekker onderbouwd hoor :P
Alsof ik zin heb om een opstel te schrijven waarom hij dat moet doen, ik geef hem een advies dat is mijn mening, wat hij ermee doet interesseert mij geen reet. Als ie een uitgebreide review wil gaat ie maar naar google en niet naar crossfire.
HP Probook.
heb je link want er zijn meerdere hp probooks neem ik aan :P
Haha poor fuck
haha ur mom is poor too, i let her suck my cock for free.
1 with pre-installed hacks? ;)
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