Some new games

Since I have my new laptop, I can actually play some newer games without having 10fps. So I am looking for some games that are worth buying.

I was thinking of:

  • Call Of Duty 4
  • CS:GO
  • Battlefield 3
  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Are these games worth buying? How is the activity of the scene?
Also, what other games are there that might be worth their cash? And why should/shouldn't I buy those?

e: I'm really only into shooters, other games are of little interest to me
cod4 5 euro or free
csgo not as good as prev versions, more noob friendly though
bf3 have fun, not my style
mw3, i will personally kill you if you buy that
wtf retard?? whats wrong with mw3 ...? I like it
way too easy, frag only bullshit and cheaters in every server
winning obvious wh'ers with knives only on a 2v2 sure is satisfying tho. Get good friends and roll the shit out of hackers :) Not too hard, especially when some hackers are just so retarded
well if u just play casually, ground war only, there's always that 1 guy with wh+aimbot on max just shooting 1 hs kills through walls.

Nothing anyone can do about that
Well thats true about the normal match modes. Not so many cheaters in face-offs and mainly people with wh who cant shoot for shit :D

i bet you like mw2 and blackops's too
mw2 good too
all horrible games

just buy WoW, atleast its good
I'm not much of an MMO guy. Only game I enjoyed playing was Guild Wars (and Minecraft, but I don't reckon that's classified as MMO). I prefer shooters over all, so WoW is a no-go for me :)
Still playing GW 1 to this very day.
Ye, I like it a lot!
Don't play it a lot though, I usually play it for some months, then it gets boring.
Heared GW2 gets boring much faster tho ;<
Yeah, I played pretty actively then stopped around 2 years ago, came back a few weeks ago and loving it. Working on titles now, got 3 maxed on my Monk :D. GW2 is pretty shit idd, bought it on release and I've only managed to play around 2-3 hours due to the boredom.
I'm highly opinionated when it comes to games. SC2 is a pain in the butt for me
grate fun for me, since even moving around the map with ur cam is challenging :D
I've never really liked games like that
neither did i, tried aoe2 and some other strategy, hated it all

but sc2 isnt just a game... its ohmygoad:D
r u rly so fucking retarded piece of shit?
Isn't the COD4 MP scene more active than MW3?
if u want competitive games, go for cod4
csgo if ure out for some moneyZ or bf3 on consoles D: X:D
black ops 2 in 10 days yhh
  • Call Of Duty 4
  • Battlefield 3
  • MOH: Warfighter
AC3 is pretty good, even if its not a FPS.

I like BF3 on the console. CoD4 is cool, the community over there is pretty much retarded, I like playing with ET-players, but I dont know if there are some decent guys who are active in CoD4 :p My polish buddy Roba wont let me play with him anymore, 2 stronk I guess :{
csgo was free2play on the weekend, I don't rly like cs-series, but this was fun
bf3 is pretty cool
COD4 is alright as well as CSGO
BF 3 and MW 3 are bad in my opinion
BF3 is fun on console if you're a bit decent. Else you'll just get raped :D
Tagged as casual scrub
what does casual scrub means?
No skill to play games that require skill. Also playing on console = automatically noob
Thats one biased opinion. Just because I like easy fragging once in a while you classify me as a noob. I play FIFA13 and games like AC on my console. So you can't really judge a mans skill on that right.

CoD4 doesn't really require alot of skill aswell tbh, game is easy as fuark, up untill academy(dont know the new skillname for it) level.

Fuck off with your stupid comment please.
That why real gamers play games such ET, Quake which require skill.

Console gamers = noobs
dont buy mw3 (its already a dead game)

bf3 seem cool (eventho i dont got it myself)

cod4 is worth 6 euros

cs:go if you loved to play cs1.6/css then you'll love it, eventho its less skilled than the previous versions

ShootMania will get out soon for free i think (i can give u a beta key if i still got it)

EDIT : if you dont really bother much about competitive scene, then a new medal of honour is coming out soon, same about call of duty...

you could try League Of Legends or even dota2 (less noob friendly tho)

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