TZAC still down...

So whats up now... when we can play again ... ?! Would be nice to get at least some infos?! :S
404 Page went missing :( Looks like somebody deleted it for what ever reason...
Some admin deleted it again, trying to hide stuff from the community gj
Just makes no sense to me why who ever it was deleted information regarding why tzac is down and the cause of why it's down, thank you for posting it in the first place, I guess some of us got to read it :)
Because the journal was 10% why TZ-AC was down and 90% KHAPLJA IS CODING CHEATS AGAIN LOL RUMOURS!

It was pointless and misleading, once again proving this community is undeserving. TZAC got DDoS'd, don't give a shit to guess who did it because I don't see the difference it makes. People are working hard to get TZAC back online.
The crowd love rumours, why delete tim's journal and keep retarded shitjournals still here? Pretty fucked up adminning.
I totally understand why you chose your online name, and so you should be.
full of retarded shit journals that dont get deleted...
This was a journal that actually made sense, it was his and others opinion about tzac.
RIP Freedom of speech
P.S. Stop licking asses
Im licking asses? Of who?
not you. i agree with you
Ah oke, cuz you replied that to me lol :p
Thanks for the support, seems past few days all admins got on my back and started hating me. I really don't know why.
Maybe because thay are embarrassed or some thing ;)
Not true bra
Quote by TimbolinAseems past few days all admins got on my back and started hating me.

Quote by embarrassedIt speculated that Chaplja created the deadcode cheats that he busted based absolutely nothing.
It speculated that there is something more going on other than a DDoS attack because "somebody said it shouldn't take this long to fix".
+ some other shit which was basically "TZAC getting DDoS? Chaplja must be coding cheats again"

If you post dumb shit like that I understand why the admins "hate" on you. Get over yourself.
and who are you
who the actual fuck are you to ask such a thing?
Then delete the trash comments and keep the valuable information, that would save numerous other journals from people asking why.... such as this one.
are you saying that admin need to delete 98% of crossfire content???
No not at all, did I actually say that ??? The lack of good admins on this site sinse the update has made crossfire exactly what it is today.
Freedom of speech not come into play here then?
I deleted it, and correction, I am trying to keep ACCURATE information to the community
u're the master
If you are searching for ACCURATE information in every journal, you end up deleting all journals
Every journal doesn't contain false information about quite a serious situation.
and neither did the journal that you apparently deleted, cant be bothered with this any more, read above.
It did though - that was the problem.

It speculated that Chaplja created the deadcode cheats that he busted based absolutely nothing.
It speculated that there is something more going on other than a DDoS attack because "somebody said it shouldn't take this long to fix".
+ some other shit which was basically "TZAC getting DDoS? Chaplja must be coding cheats again"

What good comes from this? How is this content we want populating Crossfire? No meaningful discussion came out of it, just random people believing the highly inaccurate bullshit about what is going on. Most of which negatively reflected Chaplja/TZAC and those involved.

I am not sure if anybody bothered to read the journal they're all furious about the removal of, but I assure you all, you missed no opportunity at a civilized and intelligent conversation.
The journal contained a lot of false information ... so please
Most of it was crap.
huhuhuhu wat zei ik je al als 1e reply tim, ze moete me admin make xD
nee ze moeten bij de rest ook admin verwijderen
dat is geen nederlands denk ik, maar ik zei het je toch xD was te verwachte dat ie gedelete zou worden, ook blijft het natuurlijk crossfire waardoor het altijd wel iets debiels heeft :P
Would be nice if you at least would try to find it yourself
I just love this community because everyone is so nice to each other
I was about to say something not that nice,but then I noticed its fucking vermu,so I couldn't.
just say it m8 :)
shitposters receiving shit
so hateful idd
Never, chaplja dropped the project.
lets play brink
QuoteWould be nice to get at least some infos?!
- There was about 40 minutes ago but somebody has removed it.

Posted by chaplja on 6 Nov 2012 17:32

Hey people,

the website is now back, but the master server required for playing is still offline. You'll be notified when you can use TZAC in leagues again.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Nerds is suffering
If etlive is released, this will happen every day. That site will be ddos'd 24/7 by cheaters, and noone will be able to play.
Why would they be? Nerd ddossers are from COD4 community, not ET.
polakss?? :s
So no ETTv games ever got DDoS'd?
Was thinking the same :o] But I reckon ddos'ing an ettv server is easier than ddos'ing ETlive. I hope so atleast.
Does anyone of you can provide me with a screenshot for DC forum, on which deadcode admits to DDOS TZAC site?
Think he's not that stupid :_D
From what i read, he denied he DDOS it
just go irc and search war :)
go play LoL Scatman :p
you still can play. LOL
Umm like u can see today's comments are not on site anymore, seems they are annoying chap big time that he had to restore db. Gl chap
Posted by chaplja on 7 Nov 2012 04:02:38

It should be back today. :)
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