Korea umad

Me and joof are in korea at our last hotel in Busan, Korea. Single rooms with 2 pc's, big screen (connected to pc), jaccuzi, toilet that violates your bum, everything :) Installing korean version of Arctic Combat now, tactics on big screen nerds :S

stream for tommorows final: http://c9.webzen.com/events/g-star-livestream

will be really early in the morning for you guys, will make another when live

Life of a progamer.
gl progamer.
inb4 'make et proud'
Do you like the game or just trying to win as much tournaments as possible in any game?
just nerd
1/Win tournament
2/Say "ET is actually better"
3/Become a hero
succes mannen
going to watch , what time is it? vods avi?
cool story
gg gl hf
what the fuck is that game you dominating atm. jesus
Ati = Jesus????
It is Arctic Combat or something like that, haven't tried but looks like CoD even though people playing it denies it.
will watch at work tommorow
Shoutout to crossfire.nu or gtfo
will wake up just to watch
niice guys 8D
enjoy your trip
special greets to jo0f :)

Will there be any replays?
What is this game.. looks so bad
joof the quakelive cheater?
yes. no respect for cheaters!
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