Cooking with Thomm

OK, today I am lazy. Didn't even take all pictures, hands were messy, I was hungry and in a hurry.

On the menu we have sausage-fest.

image: WNwMoh

Few big sausages 500gr, 2€
Garlic-potatoes 500gr, 1,5€
1 onion 0,15€
Some bacon 0,5€
Tomato or two 0,3€
Half a cucumber 0,3€
2dl cooking-cream (low-fat) 1,2€
Spices, what you like, 0,2€

Cost total ~5€
Time spend from start to omnom, 1h

image: oCClyh

Take off the sausage-skin.

image: mWC5Vh

Make some slices to it. Cut cucumber, tomatoes and bacon to small slices. Try to stuff them to the sausage-slice-holes. Lose your nerve doing it.

image: ZqUUnh

Just stuff them all together, add spices & rest of the shit, pour cream on the potatoes, stuff the mother-fucker to the oven and wait what happens. I got no idea, we shall see in 45min. Or earlier if something starts to burn. Open a beer and wait. Listen to some music.

Will post results when getting it out of the oven & eating. Argh.

image: 4DmNZh

Tastes great, garlic, omnomnom <3
dont forget oil, else gonna get massively burned.
I don't use oil, it will get all saggy. Cream is enough, I want it to be little bit crispy.
Depending how much oil u use, normally i used to cook with olive oil and 10 min before it was done, i increased the temp in oven to get that crispy taste.
Once they sausages get hot and crispy they should lose tons of their 'natural' fat. Combined with the cream I don't think it will stick to the pan.
rofl looks like you became a food expert
c'est le masterchef
0.5 euros for bacon? That's cheap
It was on sale, 4 packs for 2€. I keep a sizable stock at my freezer, lots of different meats. Normally it is around 1,5€ per pack.
£1.99 here which equals to around 2.50e I believe

image: Okay_guy
Holy shit o.o
.avi then youtube it
i thought it was a penis wtf
did anyone say photoshop?
I love these journals
other finnish dishes?
Umm, not sure. Will make reindeer-thingie some day, but I don't have any reindeer-meat at the moment. And won't buy it from store, it is cheating. Or moose.
Rosvopaisti! With pictures of ~ 2 days of wait while the food is underground.
no moose :(
Looks good!

Made this couple weeks ago:
image: 554188_4721117316227_1689482020_n
debby made it
not you
i really did make it :(
Pizza here tonight :))
not the usual sort of "sausage fest" for you but I think you still enjoyed it

got inspired by your journal and got myself a bear
Tuna Pasta
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