Bioshock free on GameFly

nice nice, how good is the game? and how long does it take to finish it?
very good game. You'll need at least 15h if you rush, if you do it properly much more
LOL, asking me for credit card information, k thxbye
I don't get why they're saying that it's free, and when you're at the checkout you still need to put in your credit card information.

Maybe it's just because you need to fill every single thing of information since it's a webshop
Well, I just installed it and it isn't working :D. Probably Windows Vista/7 has some kind of issue with DX10. I tried numerous solutions I found on the internet but nothing helped me so far (only running it in windowed mode some how helped me for few minutes but it crashed shortly after).
So maybe it isn't even worth your time... T_T
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