Interesting question :d

I've always wondered why certain kind of oldschooler legends pwn after long inactivity, toxic, sheep for example (maybe not the best examples, but couldn't think about more) while some others who used to be really good don't do so well. Of course there is the praccing activity and how motivated they're to play ET. Examples of those others who don't do so well: winghaven, mystic, mrozu, naga. I am so damn bored, watching old ettv matches :d happy fathers day btw
fumble always stays good
who? someone once said that he will be in the nc team of uk this or next year, havent seen him playing tho or don't know in which team has he played xd
DIdn't show anything else that he might be little stupid
And with this I don't mean that they'd be as good as when they stopped playing, but still pretty surprisingly good
Only father's day in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Estonia.
support roles can be played easily if you have good support from your team (makes sense?)

winghaven doesnt do well? I find that a bit hard to believe though he's a player who benefits from good team aswell.
last time i saw mystic he raped ass and made my team fold.
squad vs impact? :D
ah, I was shoutcasting it, wasn't sure which one of them two it was by that time though
I've always been good; active or not
butchji always beast
'Inactive' is a relative term there. It also differs from player to player as some like to pub now and again or play other fps games while others just ignore their PC for a prolonged period.
Because when they come back they immediately play with actual powners, get carried and can shine again.
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