Memorial Remembrance Day!

image: 111108poppy1
inb4 3rd world country fags doing jokes about France
image: 2ur15k7

I will never forget this (even though is from 2nd WW)

I find it sad that some people don't knw shit about it.

During my first year at uni I had a 3 credits curse about 20th century history. It was a 2h/week curse, so nothing really important.
I was really shocked though when the professor came to WWII and showed some well known videos about concentration camps. You know, the pictures on which you can see a buldozzer "burying" dead bodies in a common grave. Some people began to cry and some of them even left the audience.

My parents have never hidden my anything about human cruelty, I saw movies when I was young (I remember waiting for Friday night when they broadcasted Band of Brothers on television), went to plenty of museum, saw pictures, went in Normandy and many places in France, went to Breendonk with my parents and then with the school, etc.

And then you see people not aware of anything. They live in a dream. They don't know shit about the world. They watch MTV and laugh about this man only because he has a moustache.
No wonder why extremism is still so popular..
I perfectly feel you, most of my colegues at Uni are just after highschool , teenagers struggling to become young adults but they are so clueless about so many things, all they know is what the mass media is pumping their heads,and that s ussually the "pop" culture. People got so strangely separated of each other because of mass media, cultural shows are watched by the less procent of us, while tv shows like "Who fucked my daughter"(you know that stupid shows on tv, of course is not this name but the ideea is kinda like this) gets high audience.
I wish it would still be the Armistice Day liked it originally was.

And highly related HB & RIP today too.

image: RFZI8
mhhh coke
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