Black Ops 2

Insert token 'I AM DISAPPOINT' graphic because Son, I am DISAPPOINT.

Doesn't feel good, Doesn't Sound good and maps are shite.
Finally someone who agrees with me of whom I can actually say has some understanding of the whole gaming scene xD
shit game is shit.
lol people seriously going to play it or even buy it :S wtf is wrong with this world

Hey guy want to buy this rock? No its obviously only a rock.
This rock will be as good as the previous rocks i sold you! oh okay seems legit!
I didnt pay for it +_+
valve forever key or whatever it was called?
ur arguement is so stupid its incredible xD
ty spended lot time thinking on it
You have been warned!
cod games haven't varied much, it's been the same since mw2, few new maps, few new weapons but everything else is the same.

Just having released Black OPS 2, they are already probably working on mw4/bops 3. It's all about the moniesszszsz
mw4, then bops 3.. every second year different developers I think, since mw is released every second year and some blops variant every second year.
To be expected, we'll add it to the list; (BLOPS1, MW2, MW3 etc..)

edit - the only way to EVER get these fuckers to listen and release properly finished products, is to stop buying their games. I mean completely stop it.

This is why they have manipulated their business model in the manner that they have. They produce an age restricted game, which is therefore like crack cocaine to the under 13/14 year olds. Their parents buy it - but don't play it, and are therefore no longer in the feedback loop or minded to attempt to change anything.

Consequently the developers know that they can simply release a pile of shite every 6-8 months, and flood the post release market with 'add-ons' that idiots will, despite catastrophic holes in the initial release, continue to buy.

And the worst part about all of this? - despite being constantly raped, all of these fucking morons will continue to throw their cash at developers, meaning the latter will continue to do exactly what they're doing right now. Worse still, it sets a premier business model and precedent for other developers to do exactly the same thing. Hence why dlc that used to be free for all to download, is increasingly being charged for (and at a significant premium to boot!).

Dlc used to be the expected marketing method by which a company could ensure consumer longevity in their product - a way of beating their competitors during the next gen development phase. However, the moronic manner in which people purchase add-ons these days has changed all of that.

You have to stop buying their products otherwise nothing will change.
I never started buying their products ;D
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$$$$$ !!!!!!
give me the game and I might rate it for you
cod: black ops with mappack and slight reskin, exactly what was generally expected
u rly did expect any good from a COD game LOL :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
like making 8 ETs on idtech 3 engine, ofc its boring
ofc its shit, its cod :D


thats why it sux
The last CoD was World at war.

rest are shit.
CoD:WW was shit also... last good CoD was CoD4 aka CoD:MW1 !
No.... the guy who actually create CoD with (WW2 Games) Stop working with them after CoD II. And they create WaW trying to recreate the WW2 scene. and they fail.
yeah ok.... kinda true!
meh new bops2 is awesome.
care,hots official date announced!
care, have to play Diablo3 anyways ! :D
they will not even allow dedicated servers

so no clanservers,no servers to admin urself:à
Might have potential with few promods and patches.
Tell me more about zombie mode.
I just need to buy this game to have fun with friends on zombie
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