Cooking with Thomm

Something easier and lighter today. No bacon, sorry :(

Hot'n'stuffed peppers it is!

image: jVxl8h

Few big bellpeppers (peppers?), 1,5€
Minced meat, pork/beef 400gr, 2,5€
1 onion 0,15€
1 Spice-mix-bag, 1,3€
Some rice / rice-porridge, 0,2€
Some garlic-spread, 0,3€
Some cheese, 0,3€
Spices, what you like, 0,2€

Cost total ~6,5€
Time spend from start to omnom, ~1h

image: M8qaAh

Just in two pieces, try to make them about the same size at least.

image: xkaFth

Carve extra-stuff out off them, the whites & seeds. Knife-spoon -combination works quite well here.

image: 8OxpVh

Normal stuff, in the end mix them all.

image: s8FN5h

OK, this is what you should be looking by now.

image: 9qU3Rh

And there they are filled. Notice that I am a wizard, had exactly the right amount of stuffings, and it is my first time cooking this, jej!

image: Aqus4h

Put some garlic-spread on them. Then finish it off with some cheese on top.

image: slShPh

image: mWPgyh

Aye, put them to the oven at 200C, for about 15-20min. Do the dishes & fix your mess and enjoy your beer.

Will post end result soon, they should be done by now when I had a smoke and wrote this journal. Damn, didn't even have time to finish my beer.

image: PboMXh
Don't like carve :( but looks good; enjoy your meal
Hmh? You leave the stuff inside or I made a bad job?
Sorry, wanted to say pepper but i read carve so i wrote it instead :P
Don't worry about it, it is there just to keep the fillings together x)
looks well and easy to do thx
always wanted to make these! i think ur journal will finally inspire me to do it, looks delicious:P
gonna prepare it tomorrow
I normally love spicy food, but I think on this one you should take it down a level. Kinda hides everything else under it x)
yeah i also like it spicy, but im always adding spices in my own way anyway:P
Too much pepper
did you ruin it witch ketchup again?
Neh, it has enough vegetable-look already.
The beer is shit, else it all looks just fine.
One does just simply not mock beer! Shame on you.
Least it's better than Lapin Kulta you're drinking.
one does just simply don t have a woman to cook for him ! He he Shame on you!

Owned :D
I rather cook for the woman, if one just happens to be around. My foods are better.
You can t possibly know that.
Pure gold like always. Extra points for the best cheap beer there is!
tomates farcies aie aie aie tmtc!!!
image: lequet_boulets_liegeois_02

What I ate today. Some mom-made "Boulets à la Liégeoise". With rice though. Amazing.

EDIT: this picture with the Jupiler glass is so.. belgian :D
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