Iron Dome shoots down 10 missiles

So,lets keep it non-political topic.
A friend of mine sent me a video,showing Israeli's Anti small / medium rockets ( Like grad,qassam )Iron dome system ( defending Beer Sheva city from incoming qassam rockets from Gaza,the system shots them all down in the air,and as you can see,the system shot a massive amount of anti rockets missiles,pretty cool,but yet not ;p
hf, anddon't mind that guy screaming in the background,try to imagine being there too ;D

Dunno if I just missunderstood that "wooow wooow woooow", or does this guy really seem amazed while being in a city which is attacked by missiles? :D
welcome to isreal where every single neighbor wants to see you dead.
Hes amazed by the amount of the anti missiles the Iron Dome is shooting,I was quite amazed as well :o
rip montage i will miss you sweet prince
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