[NS2] Metacritic... a useful tool?

We heard EA say that NPD doesnt mean shit anymore.
Now we find out that our beloved Metacritic isnt as good as we thought either.


Yes, I love NS2 to bits and yes I am butthurt that it has a low score because of retarded reasons like that.
Reviews are most of the time inaccurate, the only one i read are on tweakers.net because i happen to see them but i always try it out myself or ask trust able friends how they experience was.
so how do people find out about new releases these days? How do you make sure you dont get a "bought" review (CoD:BO2 9/10 10/10 on all big sites)?
Well i dont think you can ever be sure.

I dont know how other people find out, but most of the times i get mail about it from gamespot or a other random source or people tell me.
this is some serious business
image: serious-cat-is-not-amused-big

it is serious business :\
metascore is important to many, even displayed in the steam store. this is an awesome indie game that acchieved great scores with major reviewers and if i were into consipracy theories id be all like "unsurprisingly some major site mocks up the review just before the new cod comes out, the metascore get mangled and cod is lonely at the top as fps this month".
fucking penis gobblers
Those review websites are all kinda fake if you ask me.

There is a dutch television show about reviewing games and they got all big names as sponsors like nintendo. And then the 2 people discussing it had a conversation that went like ;

guy1 "Well its like the nintendo wii, their games were....;"

guy2 looks at him quickly and said "they were okay, pretty good"

I dont trust any review websites that are sponsored or do business with creators of games.
but so many people do unfortunately.
in order to sustain a community and seed competitive palyers from it you need the attention of a broad audience.
people complain about cod being the same as last year but whatelse do they expect? it sells well.
major releases suck hard and yet people still dont pay attention to indies.
as i stated in OP i am butthurt.
Thats why i like totalbiscuit, i can see for myself what is what and he does the unkown titles not everyone knows about.

Yeah it sucks, too bad people are so greedy :P
tbh, I write for a website that reviews games, cd's and movies. The ratings we give are 100% our own opinion and the one who is in charge does not change the rating/review. Eventho we still get the newest games for free (just 1 copy tho) and tickets to the newest movies, we even get alot of premiere tickets to see some of the movies in Amsterdam.
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