trading dota2 invite for TL invite

got 1 invite left, got banned on TL for cheating the ratio :D 250mb upload (im retarded), account was back from 2007, so sad :(

anyway, if someone got an invite and wants to play dota zwei im ready to trade, add me on steam 'heades/duNzy' or write here, cheers.

image: G_D_apQ7NxE
is this site completely fucking dead, where is everyone
What is TL? Only thing I come up with is team liquid? , private torrent site which fires away only invites(can't register)
wish u best of luck dunZy mate, i would give u one if i had :)
oh hey Marko 'mind' Tukiainen, hows life? fucking bitches and sniffing coke? winning 20th ec? :P
quit ET months ago, progaming LoL and ofc weekends fucking bitches and sniffing coke from pussy ;D
if ya still need it pmme
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