My RTCW blog

I installed RTCW maybe 10 years ago now after my cousin told me about it. I was a public noob on prizeplay mp_beach server only for about a year or two. I clanned with a bunch of guys known by ET names as lynX, Norzia, adzz, etc (most of you guys won't know these people because you've only been around for a couple of years). I can't remember much about these days and if I was any good at all. Of course I remember being sent a opengl wallhack and using it on a pub and getting busted like a day after I was sent it and since then, having to fight pillar to post to clear my name, at the same time giving up very easily after I was knocked back down, and making matters worse by taking over channels and flooding people. I don't have many other memories of RTCW though, I remember Infensus vs GMPO in quakecon final and the famous Infensus walk on assault. I never really followed the game that much back then. But playing RTCW again and seeing the players that I wanted to be as good as back then, in action again has given me some motivation. I feel like a student who is going up against the masters who showed me the path.

I stayed loyal to RTCW for as long as I could. When my teammates left for ET when it came out, I played RTCW for at least a year until it came to the stage that the game was completely dead and everybody was playing ET. Now fast forward, I see myself playing the very game I started off with. However, no longer having to fake nick because teams won't play against and with me.

Playing this game for the last month has made me realise what I've been missing. I was thinking about it and really I can count on one hand the exciting moments from playing ET over the who knows how long. Playing for UK after being an outcast for years, captaining UK to a bronze medal when nobody said I could do it, being casted by TosspoT in a match where my adrenaline was pumping for an hour straight. And erm, I can't really think of many others to be honest. I don't think I'd have any sort of satisfaction or excitement if I won eurocup, or esl cup, etc. I hoped that one pound fish would ask me to join them for lan when they needed a player as it was a team full of people that I like and was liked by, which is extremely rare in the "highskilled" et scene, but I guess they didn't rate me as a player and did not think I was good enough for them. And I felt even more betrayed when they bragged about winning the lan and said I achieved nothing in the game and rubbed it in my face that I wanted to join them after eujen said I wasn't happy that they took crumbs instead of me. But that wasn't to be anyways, and really there is nothing else left for me in ET that would give me that excitement feeling and motivate me to carry on. Of course, I'll never find the same excitement I found in Brink. Playing with some great players who never bitched on comms, and just played the game. Had no problems with me and vice versa. And getting to play at the largest gaming event in the world after beating Dignitas in the semi finals. This is the only thing I ever showed my parents in relation to gaming. My mum couldn't believe I was standing there in front of thousands and that I brought home a medal and won some money :P

Back to RTCW/ET, in terms of the actual community, the RTCW community is a hundred times better than the ET one, since most of the players are mature. It seems the ET community is mainly full of kids and wannabe funny guys trying to prove something, turning me into something I'm not as I feel the only way to adapt is to lower myself with the trolling and flaming in order to communicate with them.

Anyway, babbling too much now. In a nutshell, it's been great playing RTCW for the last month or so. It's lit a new fire inside of me :D I feel motivated again and want to win, which is something in ET I haven't cared about for ages. Hell, I played half of my matches without my contact lenses in because I didn't care about losing anymore. I can't believe that I ignored RTCW for all this time and remained ET only when RTCW is a more enjoyable game for me and the community is a lot more friendly. I guess the fact that RTCW was completely dead, meant that I had no other choice. I really can't see myself playing competively in ET again (will always play with almighty boys though!) even if or when the RTCW hype dies down, because this would be a nice way to end a decade of on and off gaming. Hopefully there's a lan for it too, that would be the icing :-)

Thanks for reading, fellow crossfire comrades.

image: 217725_1012757003386_7357_n

P.S. Make sure to watch this match! ->
I agree with all the point you've made
> Puts in contact lenses
Amazing story of playing RTCW is amazing.
wooooooooooow woooooooooooooow wtf tl;dr
rofl kamz :D rtcw ftw m8 ;)
lol so this story is basically about u getting skilled after all good players are gone in every game u play?
Here is a short list of what I ve learn from this journal:

There are 2 Kamz out there, and the real one wrote this article, but I miss some small parts of the old Kamz

This comunity is made out of kids and wanna be trollers/flamers (Actually I knew this but now it is confirmed)

You never know how good a thing is until you loose it and find it again after long time

Power of friendship is indestructible

A good thing (even a video game) shines even in the darkness and will always keep light on in people heart.Sooner or later you will return to the good things, to the right path
You have understood most of it. Unlike others, you can see a bigger picture and I think you will succeed in life despite all your haters.
Kenzi do you mind? This is serious journal :(
QuoteYou never know how good a thing is until you loose it and find it again after long time

So true...
kamz progamer :)
I don't know whether to like you or not, you're positive about rtcw, which is a good thing.
On the other hand you gave the lowest possible score on both my movies... still need some more convincing :P
If I hated everybody that gave me a low score on my movies, I'd hate everybody! :D

I think my first movie had like 50 1/1/1/1 votes, but I'd counter with a few fake accounts ;d
Still! that doesn't excuse you from giving a 1/1/1/1 on my precious beautiful artistical expressions :(.
I do apologise. But if it means anything, I did that on many other movies and not just yours! :D
i can confirm this :D
I suspected as much, no worries, you are forgiven.
nice read and gl in the cup kamz ;)
kamz complaining that the community is immature and full of shit trollers
Quotethe RTCW community is a hundred times better than the ET one, since most of the players are mature.

Most of 'm cant take a joke tho :{ When we played you, you guys paused 3 times or smtn cuz of connection lost. So I said: you guys should rename to team connection lost. Was pretty funny at that time. Next map, 3rd pause for no reason given, so I said, you guys should rename to team connection lost/we love to pause.
ZeD just went crazy and said: You should rename to whining kanker.


But I like RtCW aswell, most of the guys are nice but the ingame chatting isnt as fun as on ET :{
I can't say much about ZeD. He didn't really talk much on comms that game neither and didn't seem particularly happy in general. Maybe just having a bad day :d
Or just grumpy all the time or just hating me for the fact that I'm an ET player. RtCW players tend to hate my kind.

The nicest RtCW people I talked to were voice, crab, dts, zerb(he's fucking funny, you should really get on comms with him one time) and the guys from one.
what's this not mentioning me in there? :P

tbh we don't hate et players at all. infact the opposite is more correct. i enjoy playing with sqzz olbaa and phyzic for example.
arent they all originally rtcw players?
only sqzz played rtcw back in 2002 as squirrel
not even et players enjoy playing with olbaa, wtf?
ye well that shows difference between rtcw and et players i guess :P

the round i played with u guys was good aswell so dno. think we are more easy going then ppl on et. <:o)
Ah sorry haha! You're a cool guy aswell! Just mentioned those who I played/talked with the most =]

Well, I got the idea that the RtCW like to keep their own little group and do not really want to accept the other people, the ET players. I'm happy that you feel the opposite tho!
century of off and on gaming

think you mean a decade bro :D

on the rest:

image: tears_in_the_eyes
Haha yes my bad :D
don't cry :(
true about ET community to many whiners and wannabe trolls cough kids i'd say,won't even mention back stabbers :S well i did seems like.
i never quit RTCW and dunno why im better than on ET, RTCW own every game
care fuckface
good to have u back then kamz keep it up and maybe ull be the first to beat one.soldier in a 6o6 offi since 2006. that would be a better achievement then winning 4 times eurocup in a row :D
I don't think we have a chance of even coming close to winning the cup or beating them :d But the challenge is fun!
ALMIGHTY.RTCW incoming plz
lol kamz nerd spend decade play computer game but he achieve nothing in real life only in virtual computer game xdddddd
he not have girlfrind or jobs LOL he best freinds are in computer world not in real lol mad geek xddddd
you could so easily bait people but you try so damn hard ;s
LOL i troll yuo haha x))))) u mad now to liek kams? hehe ofcourse lol coz you com hear to help paki LOL hehe i knowed that becuase nerds all ways stand to gether BOOM :>>>>
Quote It seems the ET community is mainly full of kids and wannabe funny guys trying to prove something

thats how i roll
i wasnt defending him, felt more like giving you tips
He has a masters degree, u mad?
QuoteHell, I played half of my matches without my contact lenses in because I didn't care about losing anymore.

Classic :D

Anyway about everyone saying how great RtCW scene is, I would think that it happens to every game that has been out there for 10 years and isn't getting any new players. That obviously results in a more mature and smaller playerbase where everyone pretty much knows each other and there is a lot less flaming and childish behaviour. I'm sure that RtCW has had it's fair share of these "kids" and "wannabe funny guys" in the past, though perhaps a bit less as it isn't f2p like ET and came out earlier when online gaming wasn't that popular.
personally think the ET community has grown much more mature since 07/08 or so, especially towards new players coming to CF
the last line pretty much sums up RtCW as it was - as it was 99% of peoples first game and online gaming itself was not so prevalent so flame and the current trolling mentality was not there. People just mainly aimed to play and have fun.
youre drunk
nah I just like expressing my feelings to the crossfire community sometimes :o(
hah well if youre not trolling or w/e it's a nice step to actually being honest for once :)
nice read kamz <3
Cool story bro! tell it agian!
nice read :)
i will not read the content untill i see a pic of chick tnx bye
holy shit what a loser faggot
I think it also depends on which game someone started to play with and when...for example, I started playing ET in 2006 on 2.55 pubs (and I hadn't ever played RTCW before). Nowadays I have played both RTCW and ET, but for me, there aren't better times when I was playing at the pubs on 2.55

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