Wii U

No news, no journal, no nothing...
Does that mean that no American bought it?

What do you think about the Wii U? Is it worth its price? Are you excited for its release date in your region?

Sorry for shitty post; on phone xo

Shoutout hste <3
Probably not
It's quite interesting concept but for me PC > consoles. :P
definitely maybe
i like nintendos but no tv so not yet :s
never heard of it before :D
Why would we buy Wii? We like staying fat.
very much looking forward to it :)
even though i finished barely any of the titles (not that much spare time), i really loved my time with xenoblade chronicles, monster hunter, fragile dreams, silent hill and other WII titles.
i honestly hope that there will be games just like those mentioned for wii u as well - i don't care much about graphics, certainly i don't need any better visuals than the current xbox- or ps-generation. if the exclusive lineup will be as strong as the "core"-exclusives for wii, sony and microsoft will find themselves in tough spots :)
I think after the original Wii, people aren't really expecting much from the Wii U. It does look kinda cool, though!
advance sales went crazy (amazon and others did not take any more orders for a while) + wii was the most successful console of the last generation - so why would people NOT expect much from the wii u? probably they will maintain their position on the casual market and will expand into the core-market just like they did with the late wii.
He asked why no journals about it yet. I highly doubt this site represents the casual market :P
i bet that are the same people who play COD BO2
who are the same people who play COD BO2? the guys who pre-ordered a WII U or liked the WII?
i have no idea whether COD BO2 is any good because i've never played it, but i did enjoy many wii games - which was mostly because devs had to bring in some innovation to make the best out of what the wii actually offered. while on the other platforms you see tons of UE3-powered games, the engine simply would not run on a wii - and to my knowing UE4 won't run on wii u, which is a good thing.

people of my age usually got into gaming through old consoles (NES and others), so i see things a little bit different than the average 16-yo gamer who blames consoles for stagnation in every aspect (graphics, "core"-elements). there was no competitive pc-scene for me when i was young since i've had no internet - and neither did my friends. recent COD-games and all those abominations titled "FPS" today are a consequent result of a trend that said ego-shooters have to be more realistic and therefore also slower. amongst other mods, CS paved the way for this development - no consoles involved at all.

there was doom, quake and ut on consoles - of course controllers were not the best choice for playing such ports - but it's still pc gamers fault for the mess the FPS genre is in today ;)
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