Texas hold'em

I would like to start playing texas hold'em

Any advices? articles that i should read? Where should i start playing ( ive alrdy tried pokerstars )
not dreamin about becomin a millionaire, but i would like to have some fun .
Do you understand the basics? Read forums - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/ Plenty of helpful stuff in there. Read books etc.
ask FinlandVanhaomena
Don't start. -250€ on friday :(((
Start with playing for fake money, watch some pros, read some basic advices
1) learn the poker words and their meanings

2) buy holdem manager or pokertracker

3) learn how to use it

4) start playing low stakes

5) read poker forums, I would suggest you to make a blog to http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/ to improve your game.

6) when you are able to understand a bit about the game then buy an account to www.cardrunners.com (or some other site) and watch all the videos.

7) When you get better go higher stakes with a good BRM

8) buy coaching lessons from pro players

9) Don't quit

10) Enjoy life

I think you should select what you want to play... I mean tournaments/sng's or cash game... 6max/heads up

They are all like a different game.
Quotebuy holdem manage

good one, just download for free
just play and get involved in the community
pokerstars is very good if u plan to play really small limits
Donate your money for better cause.
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