sign petition for competitive bo2

This is a petition to make the new cod series: blackops2 more competitive. Currently 260+ players signed for this petition, spread the link and take 20 seconds of your time to sign as well! Petition link

Message to Treyarch ( the makers of blackops2 ):
Even though completely dedicated servers would be the best option, the game can still be successful competitively if the listen server hosting system in custom games is replaced with the use of Treyarch servers. The custom games have a decent customization system (if there would be an option for limiting numbers of snipers, SMG's and shotguns it would be even better), but a way to join people directly through Steam like in other games (CS, CS:S, TF2, MW2 and so on) is also needed.

At the moment the player who creates the custom game will host the server from his PC, this is also known as listen servers. It creates an unfair advantage for the host, in addition to often giving the other players high pings if they don't live close to each other (even distances such as Scandinavia --> UK creates high pings normally). If the host starts lagging or for example tabs out, everybody will start lagging.

Other things that would also help to improve the competitive PC scene is:
- Improved positional sound
- Add an option that makes frag nades uncookable
- Allow us to play 12 rounds total, then swap sides automatically
- 5v5 league with ESL rules
- Option for turning on/off final killcam
- Limit number of snipers, SMG's and shotguns per team
- Let us join people through right clicking them in Steam
- Make changing sensitivity easier and more precise

To find competitive practice matches, see #bo2.wars @QuakeNet.

Sign the petition please! It taks 20 seconds of your time.
This will be send to Treyarch ( the makers of blackops2 ) and hopefully they will support the idea, this idea is wanted by the whole cod community to make this game as a esport game!

Petition link

image: 0-723

Petition link
/msg Q chanlev #bo2.wars Sean +ao
I signed it but cba spreading it. I also gave in false info about myself, why do they want to know all that stuff?
to make it as legit as possible, if petitions go arrond in reallife it even needs ur signature
You did +v not +ao.

Nasty man.
ah oops:$ the ao buttons on my key board are broken

shit thats not right else i could not write this:x busted
QuoteNasty man
:DDDDDDDddddddddddddddd like it would do anything. those games are designed for mass and they dont give a flying fuck about competive stuff.
Next month u will see new cod game and ur petition is for nothing
whos that chick?
Other things that would also help to improve the competitive PC scene is:

Its called promod.
its not because it was called promod in cod4 it will be bo2, promod is created by just a group of people.
and if you followed the bo2 scene treyarch isnt supporting the thought of mods. And without having dedicated servers how u think to enable a mod like promod?
i dont follow the bo2 scene at all, but you just gave me some more reason why i can call bo2 a fking shit game ty. pacman > bo2
New DLC pack revealed: CoD BO2 Promod with new weapons only 19,99$
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