Boardwalk Empire *SPOIL

Newest episode, wow!

Gyp with shovel 5/5, sick fuck, seriously.

What do u think about Owens death? How did the italians knew the plans and told it to that boss man (did i miss it myself or what)? How do u think seasons gonna end? Its gonna be epic for sure. Will Gyp die?

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Don't know the series, but Steve Buscemi is always cool beans :)
S3 has been so boring... Only interesting thing has been watching Gyp losing his nerves & the old cop struggling. Can't top the S2 ending x)
Great series anyways, everything has to have its ups and downs.
fuck owen, jimmy is/was the man
fuck jimmy tbh, he was good character for sure, but deserved everything that had coming for him
Nucky seemed to be suspecting Sleater of doing Margareth, maybe that had sth to do with it.

However the more convincing version is that it might have been Sawicki who either killed Sleater himself or told Masseria about the plan as Joe The Boss is aiding Gyp in the war with Nucky.
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