african boy amazes M.I.T

this...this is something of those little things who put a nice smile on your face and make you feel happy for the rest of the day.

this boosted my motivation for studying

all i had to say, enjoy the story. :]
smart nigger?

fake story
but you made it so it must be true
Good journal (only chick missing). He's certainly more interesting and smarter than racist faggots in here.
Stop with the the chick thing, is actually retarded to post chick on all kind of subjects not related with chiks. What you fuckin obssesed?
Its not like its something bad^^
Not bad but stupid and pointless
It's CF's habit u prick
if we stop posting chicks on journals, u can stop celebrating xmas, new years eve, halloween w/e
Any habbit can be lost if is a stupid and pointless habit. I got it the chick stuff on women or sex related topics or on recruitment topics. But here, on this kind of journal with this kind of subject it has really nothing in common
u seem new to cf computer website
Most of us enjoy it so its not pointless, and why would it be stupid? Because you are into men?
So most of you probably enjoy drugs, that makes it good? And I m not into men, don t be insolent with me boy, but perhaps that s my oppinion and respect it.
I would enjoy them if they were not that bad for your health, had that time tough.
I respect almost everybody his opinion, i was just joking/provoking here.

I just don't see why posting pictures of women("chicks") is pointless and stupid.
If people choose to post that its fine right? Their opinion, as long as it is not offensive etc.
People can post what ever they like I don t give a fuck. My oppinion though is that to post a chick picture on this kind of journal makes no sense at all I mean wtf is that chick got to do with the subject of it? Is like walking naked during winter or smt like that .Anyway let s drop it cba to argue bout this shit anymore
:D sure xD

have a nice weekend
nice story thx for shareing
I hate that gypsies in my countries can t be like black people
You was bragging about being smart and having degrees in chemistry. FIgure it out what I meant yourself
Stop cumming over my degree. I have to apologize to you if you feel like I bragged about my degree. I was just happy, this torture had ended. Sometimes, I even envy those who earn money since 16 since they can afford something.

But I realized a huge mistake in the big picture, so I let you the possibility to elaborate your point, so you won't look like a complete moron.
What am I looking for you is irrelevant for me. I don t live through the image people have about me. And certainly I won t come over your degree.
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