Web Developer Needed.

Providajob is a new social job board matching young professionals with employers in unique innovative ways. We currently have a working website with all the main functionality with a backend hosted on wordpress. We require the website to be taken out of wordpress and merged onto a bespoke CMS enabling us to fully manage our database and take advantage of our systems capabilities.
We will also need some additional features added which are :

Front End Additions

Find a Job
• Company iframe’s- part of our system allows candidates to be redirected to an employer's own internal system. We require an iframe to keep candidates on our site while going through the clients process.
• Highlight Job when applying (grayscale) - As discussed it would make a lot more sense if we could make applying for jobs a lot clearer. So could we grey out the rest of the page when a person is applying for a particular job.
• Job filter- ability to search more than one category in each field at a time. (multiple tick)

Candidate profile

Candidate profile will be slightly redesigned to include the following features:
• Convert profile into PDF Document
• Drag information from CV- ability to upload your CV to your profile which automatically drags relevant information into required fields, i.e. work experience, qualifications etc.
• Completion bar - i.e. profile 10% complete. Similar to linkedin.
Settings tab
• Account deactivated
• Public/Private profile function- (we’ve already built some of this functionality, all we need is to give the candidate option to set as private or public)
• Change details i.e. address, url, etc
• Change password
• option to opt out of promotional emails.
• Turn on/off notifications

*all information extracted from candidate should be internally searchable ( within CMS)

CV Library Preparation - (extracting extra information from candidates in preparation for CV library functionality) -we will add an extra page after the candidate registers with a list of questions.

• Personality questions- Some sort of built in personality test or external iframe such as Myers Briggs test.
• Availability & Seeking Questions, - what type of job the candidate is looking for.
• Miscellaneous questions

Clients Profile.
Client profile will be slightly redesigned to include the following features:

• Settings tab
• Account deactivation
• Public/Private profile function
• Change details i.e. address, url, etc
• Change password
• option to opt out of promotional emails.
• Turn on/off notifications
• Option to view all applicants in separate categories i.e. shortlisted, rejected & new applicants.

• in addition, ability to mass email shortlisted, rejected/ accepted - as discussed yesterday.


In general our cms needs to contain existing functionality it already performs in our wordpress system, i.e:

• Creating new job posts and managing existing jobs
• Managing users
• Creating users- we need to be able to edit candidates and employer profiles and job posts.
• Managing discussions
• Fully manageable content, made simply as with wordpress allowing us to update site content and simple page edits, including simple design edits.
• Managing discussions - deleting etc
• Search jobs and company’s
• Attaching a reference to each job for easy management

Search criteria ( in CMS) should be a hybrid of keywords and drop down exact match criteria.

we need to have the ability to Search candidates in the following fields:
• Personality type and miscellaneous results ( as shown in step 2)
• Education details: Institute, grade, year of graduation, qualification type, course name,
• Work experience: Industry, years of experience, role and desired job title, specific company (key word)
• Availability & Seeking
• Skills, Achievements, Interests & Extra’s should be searchable by key words
• Location

Individual Job stats
• we need the ability to analyse performance of individual job and generate report in pdf version whenever required. i.e how many people have seen job, how many have applied, what times people are applying. ect. ( specific yet interesting stats that nobody would ever imagine, yet would bring value to an employer)

Web analytics (PLUGINS) -
• Google Analytics

Social Plugins - As seen on the front end of the site

SEO friendly

Email Marketing- Plugins such as the ‘Hiya Mail’ etc to send targeted emails

• Ability to export all data into external database e.g. excel, PDF.

Competitive rates and only inbox me if you have a proven track record
normally you would go to a company for the amount of things you expect, if one freelancer needs to build this himself it will take him quite a long time. How much money are you willing to pay because for a real company you would have to pay like 5000 euros
as a professional web developer who works on big sites costing £1 million each year for just one site and serving sometimes 20,000 concurrent users in 5 minutes. What you are asking for is very detailed (good) but also a huge job, I would be very careful to pick the right person/people for this. Normally a job of this size would be taken on by a team of people. Having a custom CMS written with all these features is really a big and complex job only a 1-2% of developers could be capable of delivering to a good standard and it is unlikely those developers are on getacoder or something.

Tbh unless you have a big budget you are better off adapting a cms to your needs, but one that is more powerful than Wordpress - like Drupal for example. You should also have first wireframed all pages, and then designed most of them before starting development. Also be aware that most developers are not ambidextrous -- people who work in the backend do not usually write good quality javascript, html, and css (and vice versa) - apart from me and a few exceptions of course ;)

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