your favourite game?

So as Iam tired of try to revive this W:ET community, I decided that ill buy a new game.
What's your favourite game?
What do you recomend me??

cheers mates, have a good night aswell..
Do not give up after not even one day :P
download Ghost Recon Online, nice game free to download!
I have been playing ET for 10 years.(a lot of breaks included) and I cant recomend You a game which would be similar to ET. There wont be such a great game again. However ,few days ago I decided to start playing a new game and I decided to buy CS:GO. I have to say thats a rly nice game. Its cheap and You should give it a try! If you find it interesting pm me so We can play it together!
Enemy territory :)
true that al1 mate!
AL1's day online:
* spammed ecklav
* posted useless things on crossfire
* .....
QuoteLet's get W.ET oldtimes, back (..)
by setupe • yesterday, 22:11 • Journals

Quote by setupe • less than 30 minutes ago • Journals
So as Iam tired of try to revive this W:ET community, I decided that ill buy a new game.

Was about to quote that,fkn lolz.
image: 2nsqown
I fucking love your goalkeeper man
image: 29716d1344064371-random-thread-damn
Hope solo toch?
haha ye she is quite entertaining :)))
brilliant comment, you just started playing today...
its quite nice
have you played bf3?
ey du nase gief ma games die man sich saugen sollte von diese jahr und so.. hab mir gestern des neue hitman bo2 dishonored ac3 schon gesaugt.
hitman gut.
ac3 mixxed.
bo2 generic 6std action spectacle, nicht mal gefinished.
dishonored von der idea her flawed. assassin game in dem man nicht entdeckt werden soll und möglichst wenig tötet? boring.
borderlands 2 mit mates richtig gut.
planetside 2 ca. 15std mit mates wenn man bf3 gemocht hat.
xcom: enemy unknown reichlich bugged aber richtig gut (wenn man es/den vorgänger mag)
hotline miami und FTL beides richtig gute indies.
Natural selection 2 mein GOTY (kein SP).
bestes 4x game dieses jahr endless space, alle anderen sind müll.
das transformers soll sogar ganz okay sein, kP.
max payne 3 mehr cutscenes als gameplay aber gut.
spec:ops vom gameplay generic aber setting und story sing gut.

e: weiter unten lese ich hawken. hab beta gespielt, richtig gutes mech game, kP ob released oder open beta oder whatever
hmmm danke meinte eig nur sp da ich immoment nich dick kohle am start hab //

werd mit mal dieses hotline angucken rest is bekannt.. wie war eig dieser ea shooter... vergessen wieder heisst iwann diesen sommer rausgekommen iirc
das ist alles SP oder f2p oder gecrackt zu spielen.
ausser NS2. das ist einfach gut genug für jede liste
ns2 besser als bf3 oder borderlands mit kollegen?
ns2 innovativ und auf competitive gaming ausgelegt.
bl2 ist rumgefickt mit freunden und bf3 ist pub game.
äpfel und birnen, aber ja besser als alles dieses jahr.
Yes, we played together on public a little.
I recently started playing Company of Heroes. CoH2 is coming out in a few months. It will get all my attention when its released. Currentlt playing assasins creed 3, coh and will probably play black cops 2
gaan we dan samen rollen in BO2?
Heb het niet gekocht :p ga ik ook niet doen denk ik
Jonge, komop. Draiko, jewait.
sucking cocks 24/7
Buy csgo imo
fps: cs: go
moba: lol
rts: sc2
fun pubstomping with retarded kids and cheaters: cod bo2
play World of Tanks!
umm et still, but after that i can say cs:go left me good impression and I'm playing it when there are no wars in ET or so.
BF3 is for totaly for personal fun on servers :) besides it rocks just ain't seeing me playing wars at it. Going in vehicles and troll around is enough for me from that game :D

So i recommend cs:go
rtcw - et - bf3 - MOH10 + W - sc2 - C&C ( all the series )
Enemy territory , Osu! , CoD4 ,
team based?
aimed at competitive play?
runescape > *
PM who wants to buy Millions (got 12312329M)
Im playing atm

Planetside 2
Dota 2
Blackops 2 (Its pretty crap)
hon is fuckin addicting! uninstalled it 2 weeks ago
i suck in it and i always get carried by friends, but u are right, its addicting :D
haha, i was always like "ok its 12 oclock, gonna paly 1 game and then do real-life stuff" and then "wtf? 20 already? day wasted"
what's planetside 2 like? =o
imo its a mix of tribes ascend and bf3
Really good fun, Gets alot better when your in a squad. Worth a try considering its free.
Exacly 1 year ago i bought my first game over so many years. Happened to be CoD:MW3 and i really love it . Dunno why everyone hates it :D
Have been playing it since then few times a week and its all i need.
Even dont remember when i opened ET last time...
just saw some videos of that, dont really appreciate it :-(
My good old mate interface? :o
Plz, lets start some 6v6 ET-clan!
Your mothers pussy.
QuoteLet's get W.ET oldtimes, back (..)
TWO days ago and now
QuoteSo as Iam tired of try to revive this W:ET community, I decided that ill buy a new game.

Oh geez, crawl back in to where ever you crawled out of.
CSGO for sure , if u start playing with others as team a new game is awesome!

we as ETplayers enjoy playing and are motivated to pracc a lot, had that feeling like 2009 back in ET :) making tacs, try out something new... its nice to have this feeling back! :)

If you got 4 other mates you should try CSGO for sure!
you convinced me scatm8

will go play csgo
add me ops team: ironiceh. Ik kan over tijdje meenerden, heb nu 30FPS xD
aight, teampje bouwen dan maar? om ff te kijken hoe alles werkt?
Is goed. Denk alleen dat t pas zin heeft voor mij om echt te gaan praccen enzo wanneer ik mn nieuwe PC heb. Hoop volgende week of de week erna =]
cs:go for sure! It's a great game..
I really feel bad because I haven't had the time to find a team and start playing wars etc..

If you need any help, configwise or explaining some things.. add 'ecklav' at steam!
config@cs:go? gief! :D
at least we know you did what you could
yes, did everything i could it would be impossible to make a better job .. :S well atleast I tried :sss
Star Wars The Old Republic

Awesome MMO. It's now F2P btw. WoW is nothing compared to this
rly f2p?? :O
yep, just check :P
ok its free2play till lvl50
and how long do i need to reach lvl50?
Level 50 is max for now. I dont know tbh. Ive been playing since monday, and i am 25 lvl sith assassin.
there is no other game around you can compare to ET - sorry
Guild Wars 2
so you honestly believed that one journal would make a difference? bad attempt if so...
bf3, but can't play it competitive because Oxy so inactive. fu oxy!
Dungeon Keeper
Starcraft 2
Battlefield 3
Cod MW 1 2 3
starcrat 2
battlefield 3 premium, dayz standalone when it comes out
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