PC - Bangs for the bucks?

My current system, which consists of a 2MB ram, Q6600 and 8800GT, is still running quite nicely on most games on med-high settings (22" screen).

This system was bought 7 years ago(wow). I am now, starting to head my searchs for a new system. I don't want to just buy the best components - I want, like I did 7 years ago, get the best bang for the bucks components that will serve me for the longest run available (like I did with picking Quad over Dual, and 8800 over 8600 which is a huge difference).

So what are the bang for the bucks components that I should look into? ( I have a huge favorism for Intel and Nvidia) And will there be new series of nvidia/intel components that needs to be released in the next couple of months that I should look into/wait for?
Just be aware that you buy AMD and ATI products when working on a limited budged.
nvidia and intel are usually a bit more expensive for the same performance but i personally buy them cause i cant be arsed to have issues with drivers, which amd/ati users seem to have with every other release these days.
i have to agree on INTEL part, but you are totally wrong if you want to get the best bang for the bucks if you buy an nvidia card...

ATI 7850/7870 or even the new one wich is going to be released soon (7890)

mobo card with usb3 and sata 3
i5 3570k
ssd samsung 830 128go
550/600W power supply (LDLC / Seasonic / Antec high current gamer / something else decent like coolermaster gx power)
random hdd
2x2/4 12800 or more if you can get it for arround the same price
My whole Gaming experience was with Nvidia, and I somewhat, or how, wish to continue that. It's just a feeling, eventhough it might not be the wise idea or solution.

I believe there are new series of CPU's waiting to be released in Q1 of 2013? I guess I should wait for those series?
start with a good i5 processor and suitable mobo, you could go i7 but the performance hike isn't in line with the price rise

ssd's have really come down in price in the last couple of months which is nice, use one to boot from but not for applications / games
it is in line with the price rise, but it isnt if you only play video games... (there is not even more than 5 fps in most games with that 7 thingie)

EDIT : why noot using ssd for application / games??? i do it myself, and it work pretty well...
i was working on that assumption :)

Quote is still running quite nicely on most games on med-high settings

e: sure itll load faster but i am yet to see an ssd that can last for as many iops as a conventional disk and he is talking about keeping the same components for years
I already have a 500GB HDD, and a 250HDD. Will probably buy another random 250HD to have a full 1TB and that's it.
dont underestimate the power of a good HDD.
1TB Caviar Black is around 100€ and that is 7200rpm with 32mb cache
Is that an internal? Can you advise me a good external to save movies and series on :) 2TB is what I prefer.
doesnt matter. external hard drives dont have to be fast or anything.
usb will be bottlenecking it anyway.
with externals id really just look for a good deal.
do you have front eSATA ports?
alot of people talk and rave about the I5 cpu, ive just upgraded my system due to a power cut causing the cpu and the twatt pig mobo to blow.

last specs where an Asus P6X58D-E mobo running an i7-950@ 4.20ghz (OC) with air cooling with a coolermaster V8. idle temp was 28 and full load 38-40 max

new specs: ASUS P8Z77-V running an i5-3507k standard 3.40ghz (ill overclock when i can be assed) this one i upgraded to watercooling because the v8 was clogged with shit (i smoke near pc)

my personal opinion is, the i5 is shocking compared to an i7, from the minute i went online, the pefromance was clearly not as good, even at stock 3.40ghz. soon a jan is here am off to buy an 17 and a new motherbored, i cant make this clear enough. when buying/building/upgradeing, never penny pinch on the motherbord and cpu.
i dont really get wat are you talking about...

if you are talking about the temp, the new gen can go to way higher temp without having trouble (i guess its near 100 degree c)

also i don't get wat are you talking about with performance stuff??? maybe in ET thats not as good as the previous generation (or even as pentium 4) but i assume its better than your old proc in new applications / games.

But yeah, there isnt much difference bitween your old OC and your new processor @ Stock(at least at the moment)

correct me if im wrong with examples, im always open to learn :)
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