Blackops2 ESL : Stream


Make sure you check out the stream today of the Call of Duty : BlackOps2 hosted by ESL. I intend to be able to bring you guys some ET too so keep your eyes open i will be posting links on here everytime we go live but following the page supports us and gives you direct knowing of us going live! I also would love you guys to tweet me to tell me if there are any upcoming ET games you want us to stream during the week. @TheycallmePansy or message me on here.

image: 2mlt-channel_header_image-3b381543abe70dfa-640x125

Link :
Casters : Pansy , Tommeh & Mark
Time : 19:00 CET/18:00GMT
Arent you working with Kaos anymore?
not really , i wanted abit more freedom and i get to work with some friends ive known since ET now on a project im running myself so feels good man!
Ah okay.
Will you still cast CSGO? I really liked your casts there
i will be casting iseries this weekend coming for CSGO so make sure you check it out over there : )
live with music now, games in 15!
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