League of Legendsss

Is it really possible that every fucking time I reach 1350+ elo the shit noobs just somehow appear out of nowhere, get in my team and fuck up the game.. My peak was 1.4k and I'm currently at 1266 Lost like 120 elo during today :) I'm so satisfied with these polaks who suck in the game so hard.

And no, I do not admit myself to belong to this shit elo just because my lane is the only lane that actually wins. But going for something like 5/0/0 is rather useless when the rest of the team is 0/8/0


Elohell doesn't exist

image: 357xao
poalaks? not russians?
They aswell. XAXAXA ))))
just go suck a knob already

its a teamgame; if your teammates have a difficult time in their lane, you got two options:

1) go emo, flame them & surr at 20
2) go gank

you retarded shitbreath

no offense :) x
Ganking is quite hard when the teammates aren't doing shit when you gank. Just wait and hide in bush untill you get the enemy flashes away and then they are like "yay good gank we forced flash" when we could pick 2-3 easy kills...
xD the troll is fierce in this one
i have started playing this game exactly 24 hours ago

there is one thing i noticed which seems to happen all the time:
-fucking polaks having 500 ping,needing 10 minutes to fucking load up the game,and then are afk for the entire game

always the same in every game...
why the fuck do you even play in the NE server and not west server?
implying EUW is any better...
i'm guessing it's not that better, but at least most people can speak english if nothing else
Not even that, watching the amount of spanish and french ppl, being on the same level as polaks and russian on the other server, makes it pretty much same crap.
i dont even know...i just pressed the play button all the time...guess they measured my skill and instantly put me with the polaks
I think way too many players thing about elo too much...
nobody cares about ur shitty elo mkay
My elo is not related in the point of this journal in any way. (Point being that polaks are shit in every game. In case you didn't realize it yourself)
useless whine

0:50 Stats never lies!
Decent brainwash
if u was good ur elo would stay up?
its a team based game, u cannot carry every game ur self, sometimes ppl just to heavy.
You know you are in elo hell when 1st pick is banning Vayne and Tristana :D

And however if you are carry, if your team ks your kills, your support is free to fed opponent's ad carry. You can do whatever you want, you can´t win single game.

Lost 300 elo in one day bcuz of shit teammates :( (Once they start feeding ,you can´t stop it and if leblanc, darius or veigar kills you in 2 shots. It´s impossible to play)
Elo hell doesent exist.

Just learn how to fucking play the game and stop crying about others.
How I got to 1400 was playing roaming mid. I would countergank, lvl 3 gank and so on.
Play roaming mids like kata, lux, fizz and own the hell out.
Also if you feel like too ragemode stop playing, when you are angry and playing you will play bad.
Or, instead of being this whiny little shit you are, you could learn how to play the game already and carry.

Herpderp i are so guud I never lose lane team only make me lose gg shit elo hell. I guarantee if you were to upload a replay of any of your last 20 games I could tell you exactly, where YOU threw and lost the game. Either you carry, or you don't. But quit whining, you're at the elo you deserve to be.
Never said I play perfectly, but I make a lot less mistakes as the rest of the team does. For example, even in queue picking retarded champs and saying "I tank"

and btw, I cant see me being the reason for the loss if our top goes 1/9/2 because he doesn't ward even if we told him to ward... can't do everything alone
Why didn't you ward for him? Why didn't you babysit him or why didn't you get fed just as much from mid/bot? Why aren't you taking their junglers buffs or objectives such as drake and towers while he wastes his time camping top for a 100gold kill?

Quit blaming others. They're shit and we're aware of that, and so are you, quit relying on your team and start to carry.
Lets see, if we pick 4 shit players and put mAus with them in a team (ET) and we put them play vs 5 decent guys will mAus carry them for the victory? Doubt it. Either way, this game isn't meant to be played 1v5. + I don't blame my team at all, I'm trying to be supportive at the chat, saying we got this and we can do this and stuff like that, but when our support is raging with our adc and top lane goes like "No gank in 1st min I go troll" its rather amusing.

Btw, as every so called pro player says that the only way to get ur elo up is by playing, it doesn't work. You can not carry 1v5
Yes, you can. And yes, mAus would carry 1vs5 games with 4 lows vs 5 low+'s, any med-skilled ET player would. Which is pretty much the situation you're in.

Statistically speaking even, you're full of shit. You have 64% chance of winning if you are truly better than all of the players in your elo, why's that? Because you get paired with 4 mentally handicapped people as opposed to the 5 you're playing against.

Point is, you will not get any better at this game or win games by yourself if you don't quit looking for excuses. You are bad. Get Better. Win Games.

There's a reason why I have a 90% win ratio with anything I play, be it jungle soraka, ad swain, ap sona or god knows what the hell else on low elo accounts. It doesn't fucking matter what you play in that elo, you can win any game.
Well, you might have a point there. But somehow my team always manages to be even more retarded than the enemies. I mean, we could easily win all those games if our team would just group up and have even some kind of focus in team fights.. Its like, I kill enemy AD immediately and the rest of my team is focusing their mundo who regains hp faster than he loses... Even if I ping the AP/AD's head over 9000 times :(
Only play when kids are at school.
win ratio after 00:00 = 75%

lose ratio before 00h00 = 75%
that actually might have a point, less 12 year olds playing at evening/early night
tho after midnight u get some wnb's drunk ppl there, resulting in feeding and then dcing.
happened only twice :(
yes, LoL style
"Players who communicate with their team win 72% more games" :DDD
you are just bad if u cant carry game under 1400 elo...as far as i know no one carried me in game under 1500...the only games i didnt won because i was carrying was games 1500-1700 elo ;x
The point being that I've lost over 200 elo now, Im at 1196 (FUCK YES) and dropped from 1.4k. The problem is that nobody works as a team and goes all the time alone instead while the enemies have some kind of plan and actually do what you just said. No matter how fed our AD and AP are it doesn't matter at all because if they cant group up its useless
yes and this happens till as i mentioned before till 1500, thats why you have to adapt your playstyle to team.
Not true lol, u can be 3 or 5 times better than ur entire team, at end it comes down to teamplay and team fight, meaning u go 5on5 and if ur team is utter shit, u wont be able to carry games no matter how fed u are.
thats just another excause, my point is that you are not suposed to carry every game, you are suposed to carry most of them + you can also lead your team with ingame coms on chat - they often dont listen but its worth trying if it can win u a game or two
yeh but at very end its gets to the point that u cannot win games by ur self alone, as for that, u need to have ur team as well to back u up, not needed to do most of the dmg, but at least to be there long enough for u to clear everyone from teamfights.
Same as with hon MMR hell. You just dont know how to play with shitty players. Trying to carry the entire team instead of trying to work together and adapting to their game plan. Its hell because 5 players automatically think the other 4 players suck and everyone picks a late game carry (or whatever they pick they just want farm instead of leaving it for the carry).

K/D doesnt mean shit. K+A/D maybe.
This. If everyone plays like the 4 others are shit you're going to loose. If you flame/rage/insult people ingame you're going to loose. If you're better adapt to them and be friendly. If they don't ward do it yourself, paying 75gold is still better than letting your teamm8 feed their carry.
this game is not meant to play solo (and care).
since when soloq has become i won lane but no games huehue cry, i barely never lose lane yet i often lose games, fml?
cf med+ skill :D
mind son, do you play ne or west?
west ofc, ;nick mailamake
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