Movie Database

Are there still Fragmovie Databases out there which are quite recently updated or have some the latest movies. Already familiar with swertwc, but they don't have newer movies like Parodia Magnifica or Zaigon etc.....
Anyone knows where I can find these (to download)?
I think the Movies section of Crossfire is your best go, since phaloid's database isn't online anymore..
Yeah, but a lot of the download links there won't work, or older movies which used to be on crossfire aren't there anymore! :<
True, probably due to the switch to CF 4.0
Don't really know where else to get your movies from. You could rip them off of Youtube using some programs, but that'd be far more annoying than downloading. Other than that, I can't help you :(
Pretty shit isn't it? All those movies may now be lost thanks to Megaupload being taken off..
Well, I wouldn't say lost, perhaps just hard to find
Especially as most internet users are horrible at researching, if they can't find it on the first Google page, it doesn't exist (much like a DJ I met at a party a while ago, he was using Spotify as his music library, so if he couldn't find songs on Spotify, they "didn't exist")
Oh dear.

If he is using spotify to 'DJ' that's all you need to know. He isn't a DJ.
u wont find better imho but with mu being shut down dont expect a lot
You do know that site doesn't work anymore, right?
Most of the early uploads on that site don't work, since the stream can't find the source (mainly due to MU shutting down)
didn't know that, that sucks tbh...
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