Your CSGO HighFPS cfg!

Hi guys , last night i saw some german posting some tips on a Forum , since i have a 6 yrs old PC i think im not alone and share the tips with you, keep trying , with this i get 40 FPS more, 60 >> 100 FPS. Good luck, if you got any questions, i can try to answer them :)

1. Startoption

Anyway, how your startoption looks like , this 3 startoptions are a must !

-fps_max 128 -tickrate 128 +mat_vignette_enable 0
-fps_max 128 same FPS cmd as in ET 76 or 126 , why 128? think coz of the 128 tickrate server
-tickrate 128
+mat_vignette_enable 0

2. the "Video.txt"

You can find it there > Video.txt finden: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg

this file decide if you play with low or high fps , this is mine for high fps


"setting.aspectratiomode" "1" // screen 0 = 4:3 / 1 = 16:9 / 2 = 16:10
"setting.cpu_level" "0" // Effects ; 0 = LOW / 1 = MEDIUM / 2 = HIGH
"setting.csm_quality_level" "0" // shaddowdetails 0 = LOW / 1 = MEDIUM / 2 = HIGH
"setting.defaultres" "1440" // x-axis for your screen
"setting.defaultresheight" "900" // y-axis for your screen
"setting.fullscreen" "1" // fullscreen on = 1 / off = 0
"setting.gpu_level" "0" // Shaderdetails 0 = LOW / 1 = MEDIUM / 2 = HIGH / 3 = VERY HIGH
"setting.gpu_mem_level" "0" // Model- / Texturedetails 0 = LOW / 1 = MEDIUM / 2 = HIGH
"setting.mat_aaquality" "0" // Anti-Aliasing Qualität 0, 1, 2, 4
"setting.mat_antialias" "0" // Anti-Aliasing edgerendering-fact 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
"setting.mat_forceaniso" "0" // filter 0,2,4,8,16
"setting.mat_grain_scale_override" "0" // I Dont know... sry
"setting.mat_monitorgamma" "1.6" // gamma
"setting.mat_motion_blur_enabled" "0" // acridness 0, 1
"setting.mat_queue_mode" "2" // Multicore Rendering -1, 0, 1, 2
"setting.mat_software_aa_strength" "0" // edgerendering-fact Software 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
"setting.mat_triplebuffered" "0" // 3-x Buffering AN = 1 / AUS = 0
"setting.mat_vsync" "0" // Vertikale Syncronisation AN = 1 / AUS = 0
"setting.mem_level" "2" // ram
"setting.nowindowborder" "0" // windows on = 1 / off = 0

3. Netsettings

the nettsettings should be in the file , you also find it in the cfg-files , important the last CMD must be "stuffcmds"

for 128 Tick Server
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_interp "0.0078125"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
fps_max "128"

for 64 Tick Server
cl_cmdrate "64"
cl_updaterate "64"
cl_interp "0.015625"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
fps_max "128"

4. Viewmodel Tweaks

to get a bit css feeling back you can try this cmds , it change just a bit but you see it , you the weapong models are smaller .

viewmodel_fov "65"
Viewmodel_offset_ x "2"
viewmodel_offset_y "2"
viewmodel_offset_z "-2"
cl_bobcycle “2″
cl_bob_lower_amt “0″
cl_bobamt_lat “0″
cl_bobamt_vert “0″
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt “0″
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt “0″
viewmodel_fov "65"
viewmodel_offset_x "2"
viewmodel_offset_y "2"
viewmodel_offset_z "-2"

5. Windows Tweaks

1.turn antivirus off

2. process prirority on cs.exe on HIGH

"cd C:\Windows\System32
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp
netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled
netsh int tcp set global dca=enabled
netsh int tcp set global netdma=enabled
netsh int tcp set global chimney=enabled
attrib -r -s -h "%WinDir%\Temp\*.*" /s /d
DEL "%WinDir%\Temp\*.*" /s /q /f
ATTRIB -r -s -h "%USERPROFILE%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" /s /d
DEL "%UserProfile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" /s /q /f
ATTRIB -r -s -h "%USERPROFILE%\Lokale Einstellungen\Verlauf\*.*" /s /d
DEL "%UserProfile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Verlauf\*.*" /s /q /f
ATTRIB -r -s -h "%USERPROFILE%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\*.*" /s /d
DEL "%UserProfile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\*.*" /s /q /f
RD G:\temp /s /q
start cleanmgr

Thats all i found , maybe it helps you too :)


#MYserious.go ! Support us! play some games and have fun!

get_right cfg :
f0rest cfg :
another config : --> click cs go config :)
using NiP f0rest config from dreamhack 2012 :) works like a charm
link it , maybe people wanna dl aswell IF its the right cfg of them :)
where do i put the files?
D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
Quoteto get a bit css feeling back you can try this cmds , it change just a bit but you see it , you the weapong models are smaller .

Quoteit change just a bit but you see it , you the weapong models are smaller .

Quoteyou the weapong models are smaller .

Quoteweapong models

does this actualay worK? is it better from setting everything ingame on low? :P
for all who made this it worked yes :)
It's working just fine. I didn't have constant 127fps before using this setup, have no problem now. It's not about setting your settings on low ingame (have shadows on highest still).
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