Building my own pc [part2]

So, I have taken all your advices and made a new build:
Storage: SSD Samsung 830 series 128GB + inbouwrails (4,19)
2TB Seagate ST2000DM001
PSU: Cooler Master GX550
MB: MSI B75A-G43 B75 ?? 1x sata600 ??
CPU: Core i5-3450
RAM: Corsair 8 GB DDR3-1600 Kit (CML8GX3M2A1600C9, Vengeance LP, XMP)
Case: Cooler Master Elite 371
CPU cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo

No GPU yet, because I can't really find the difference between a Radeon 7850 RoyalQueen and an Radeon 7850 Royal King (other than the ~30 euro price difference).

I showed this build to a mate of mine who has a pretty sick gaming PC, and he said he could make a better build for the almost the same amount of money (budget is around 800 euro) and he came up with this:

What do you guys think?

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Why spending 60+€ on a case?

Just get a "random" case for 25€ (no windows in it, no cool lightings) and spend the 30-45€ for better parts or beer
bullshit comment. if anything, i'd always give more money for a good case and cpu because those 2 things can last for 10 years easily, unlike some stupid graphic card which ll lose double of its value after 1 year. and why? because it has better isolation,it's easier to mount things, you wont cut ur finger, it has better materials and in the end...looks better
There are HQ quality cases in the low-prize class, if you check the cases he picked, they are "pimp" cases, with LED/windows.
You can get solid and good cases without that stuff for less money.
The one I picked surely isnt. And the other was picked by my friend, do not put the blame on me :(
coolermaster elite isnt really pimp case sorry
gotta reply to myself and correct that i wanted to say CASE AND PSU, not cpu.
spedn 120 euros on mine, and i just smile when see it, U MAD ? :D:D:D:D
I smile at other cases when I see them, I give them image: altkanzler-helmut-kohl
Well it come down to how much case can actually provide cooling system for the components, i mean, more adv. cases will have some coolers bounded inside already, which can provide that extra cooling for CPU/MB/GPU and actually make performance of ur entire pc much better, ofc after that it comes down to each personal style of looks, design and other fancy stuffs.
i have to agree with frozz, the case itself wont lose much value after years and years...

idd the case he picked is expensive for those useless stuff...

eventho i wouldnt go for a 25 euro case, those are pretty much not functional neither cooling decently and making a lot of noise mostly...

if i had the needless to buy a new case without an huge budget, i would buy something at arround 30/40 euro + some nice FAN.

if i had the money i would definitely go for fractal design r4.
Me and my brothers have a €250 case :D
I have an Alienware computer so I guess my case is at least around that aswell.

My point simply was that if you want to build a low budget PC, you dont need stylish cases.
alienware cases are like €60-70, you pay about another €100 for that little shiney alien medallion on it though. :d
Afaik you cant even buy them stand-alone anymore.

The case, the alien medallion, the background and "speciall alienware software" are at least 500€!
haha yea, I remember seeing people selling the Alienware case on Ebay for like £300 after they bought some high end PC no doubt. :D back when no one knew how to do it themselves. Surprised Alienware are still going in all honesty - can just check high end builds on their website and buy components elsewhere :/
Since they buy parts in huge batches , to often do cool discounts. 3000$ rather than 4500$ for 3930k + 16 gb 1600mhz +7950 3gb + bluray etc . Even new egg couldn't beat that . But thats if you check deals . is usally less costy doing it yourself since they havd better prices.
RoyalQueen is for females RoyalKing is for males duh u dump??
both configurations are nice, maybe his is slightly better. also check out Fractal cases, i got Define R3, they are very nice and swedish!

and i'd go for ocz vertex 4 ssd, because it has 5y warranty(atleast here).but it's known that 830 and vertex 4 are best SSDs out there
yep that case rocks so much!
expensive but sooooo nice!
considering it offers the same like 150€cases its not that much :) best buy if u ask me..and i adore that design
Whats ur opinion at this time for water cooling for cpu?
cheap (huh?) WC are pretty shit [cheap = 50/75euro]...

but if you plan to do an huge OC with a good (huh?) WC [good = 125euro prolly'] then go ahead...

otherwise a good cpu airflow (good = 50euro) would do the best job at this pricerange (also less noisy)
Well for some products i was checking, they OC some 6core CPU up to 7-8ghz with it, and i assume the modern technology will pretty much switch with years onto WC, tho the prices are quite cheap, seeing it as from 70€ forward, just want to know if its actually good to buy it in future.

Was checking for this one
i guess you are talking about new AMD CPU....

they got an high overclock voltage potential, tho it wont be the same as if you oced an intel proc (its like having a intel proc at arround 4.5ghz wich is pretty izi to get with a decent case + good cpu cooler)

i guess wc isnt pretty reliable but i could be wrong.

I think is that if you got a 70euro aircooler + a decent case, you can get 6/7ghz amd OC cpu (with default fan)..

To get something quiet with wc you prolly' have to put more than 70 euro on it and you have to put watter every each month/year??? [wich is an additional cost, don't really know tho))
yeh i would assume there's cost for maintaining the WC but the quality provided for cooling would pay off, just cus of seeing the prices i thought of getting it in near future if im making any new pc.
OCZ ssd are the most returned for default ssd in the actual market.

OCZ doesnt have any good support (ive read it on an hardware website)

if i had to buy a ocz ssd, i would buy it 2nd hand and it should had more than a year of usage (because after a year the product doesnt got problem)

i would definitely go for the samsung one or even crucial m4 (not other models)

i have to agree with the fractal case, eventho i'd rather go for the r4 (if its "only" 10 euro more)
maybe that was the case with other SSD, not vertex 4 itself. i know they had shitton of problems before, but with vertex4 they did good job, and warranty speaks for itself.

and yea r4 is as good as, didnt even think that there is new generation
r4 just got few improvement, not much.

i think there is some upgrade on the quality of the case itself, and few new stuff.
are those GPU's you're considering based on the ref models? The HD7000 series are suffering from coil whine..
sry but wat is coil whine???
Le sifflement du PCB sur des jeux lourd graphiquement comme Crysis 2.
its a high pitched noise that components in your computer can make, tend to be very annoying and usually only happens with cheap hardware from asssssrock etc.
My asrock has been working for at least 7 years, i even was retarded enough to touch it all over the place without grounding myself. They offer great prices for (imo) proper quality
your mates better, would go for the "K" cpu version tough, and maybe 670 instead of 650ti

Its all more then enough anyway;p
with the money you spend to buy this pc i spend a week in your country , travel, hotel,food,marijuana,fucking bitches in red light district and still remain enough money to take u out for a beer and buy myself clothes
Ye, that's nice.
I have 128GB SSD and I wish I had a 256GB one. I have my OS and only applications that really need the speed like games and Adobe video/image stuff. Still it is almost full and I have only a few games on there. E.g. Hitman is 28GB alone.
depend on his activity on the computer.

Personnaly, i've got a 128gb ssd and im happy with it.

I just make OS, gimp and few games im usualy playing (shootmania, ET and LoL)

if i wanted to play e.g. hitman, i would make it into my hdd since i wouldnt care about loading times (i don't really know how long is it with that game tho)
y u no put only online games on SSD ? :\
don't play online games anymore they take up too much time ;)
Don't see why you need a machine with those spec when all you'll be using it for is ET/RTCW and gay porn!
Sht man, don't tell everyone :<
the gfx card your friend took is pretty shit and overpriced!!!

if you need a powerfull and cheap (compared to the other brand) go for an ATI 7850/7930(coming on the market soon)
Okay, thanks :) Do you know the difference between a Radeon 7850 RoyalQueen and an Radeon 7850 Royal King (other than the ~30 euro price difference).
i dunno about it.

you could do some google search.

i didnt check but i guess it is about the cooling system (and maybe a little OC)

EDIT : as mentioned above, i'd rather go for a fractal design case (R4 or R3 if its much cheaper)
The royalKing seems to have a higher GPU clock. Not worth it.

This was found out after 15 seconds of intensive abuse of search engine.
Well, I'm a total PC noob, my brother build the first PC with his own and your guys knowledge, and the other one was made by a friend of mine. So even if I googled, I still would not know what to look for. Thanks tho =]
Look @ my comment for the difference.

Btw there is no HD7930 coming on the market soon, its just a better version of the HD7870 but you can indeed also take a look at this card, but its a bit more expensive as well.
so how is called "just a better version of the HD7870"???

it will ofc be a bit more expensive...

but hey if he got the money for a 7870 then go for the 7930 (i assume it wont be much expensive since their was a mistake with a part of those gfx card before, then they "recycle" those and made 7930)

if he havent got the money for a 7870 then just go for 7850.
I dont know why they are not just name it HD7930, ask AMD :P
what is the difference between Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 7850 , Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 7850 ???
other than 28 euros price difference ?

i really can't understand this shit

e:never mind, i guess it is just some OC stuff..
je hebt al een pc toch? kan je dan niet gewoon beter een upgrade kitje en een videokaart kopen?
kan je een hoop geld schelen

vind het altijd zo zonde als mensen zoveel geld in een pc steken ;/
packard bell mini, kan ik niks aan veranderen ;)
i know nothing about computers
whats with the cooler master love? case and cooling I can understand but a PSU? do they use someone elses as their OEM? If not go with Seasonic, the dogs in PSU range.
Haha oke thanks!
Almost all PSU brands use an OEM so probably cooler masters also? there are like 3 OEMs right? Seasonic and 2 more if I'm not mistaking.
for PSU's there are far more then 3, Cooler Master alone has 6 different OEM's it looks like. Seasonic isn't one of them though.
geef je geld aan iets anders!!
aan sigaren zoals harmen dat zou doen?
stomme roker dat hij ook is.
neen roken is stom :D
enja precies die harmen!! stond die daar sigaretjes te roken!! ! ! !:o o o
Looking good.

RoyalKing is overclocked version of RoyakQueen (860Mhz vs 910Mhz). Just get the RoyalQueen and you can easly OC it to 910Mhz if you want.

About the SSD, dont buy OCZ, Buy this one or the crucial m4.

You can buy the 'K' type processor if you want to OC it, since you have a nice CPU cooler you can easly OC it a bit... (I have same cooler, 2500k @ 4,5Ghz, normally its 3.2Ghz).
Which one is looking good, the first or the one my friend mate? Thanks for the comment, appreciate it :)
ALS je gaat overklokken moet je idd een K versie cpu nemen. Ook moet je naar dan een ander mobo nemen (eentje met een Z77 chipset of de oudere z65)
Bedoel je vid kaart? Ik zou voor 7850 royalqueen gaan dan.

Het is natuurlijk maar net hoeveel je wil uitgeven, 7870 en de nieuwe AMD versie die binnen kort komt zijn ook leuke kaarten. Maar gtx650ti vs 7850 zou ik voor 7850 gaan en dan gwn goedkopere zonder OC want dat kan je net zo goed zelf doen.
Oke man, thanks ^^ Dus die PC die mn maat heeft gemaakt maar dan met die royalqueen gpu zeg maar? :p
Ja dat is een prima pc. Enige wat je nog kan doen is een modulaire voeding nemen, van BeQuiet of Corsair ofzo. (Dan kan je de kabels van je voeding los koppelen die je niet gebruikt, anders zitten ze vast, dus als je bv 4 kabels heb voor je videokaarten en je hebt er maar 2 nodig hangen die andere 2 kabels 'los' in je kast en moet je die aan de achterkant weg werken)
I'm feeling so old. That's what you get if you don't keep up with hardware news :-(
image: hrdrive
I don't know what you're talking about :B
Same here! I'm the oldschool 8800GT/GTX260/280, E8400/500 & the Q6600 :P
Ik zou echt niet voor de 650ti gaan. 7850 is een stuk sneller.
zowel 3570(K) als 3450 zijn beide goed. Is maar net hoeveel je uit wil geven aan de cpu
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