LoL IPL5 - Las Vegas Day 1

Today starts the games of IPL5 Las Vegas!

QuoteIPL 5 is the fifth tournament in the IGN ProLeague tournament series. Returning IPL 4 champions, Team SoloMid, will be the only invited team to this event. Qualifying tournaments will be organized on North American, European, and multiple Asian servers for a total of 14 invites. The remaining team will be determined by a Wildcard Qualifier. The games will be cast by Joe Miller, Deman, Phreak, Jatt, Red Baron, HatPerson, Optimus Tom, and Studio.

Teams of the tournament:
Team Dynamic - Pixel, DontMashMe, Zion Spartan, NintendudeX, TakashiX
Curse Gaming - Voyboy, Nyjacky, Saintvicious, Cop, Rhux
Meat Playground - Pobelter, Lemongod, xHazzard, LightSludge, Nk Inc
Team FeaR - Aphromoo, mandatorycloud, Muffinqt, Xmithie
Curse Gaming EU - extinkt, Malunoo, Angush, Creaton
Fnatic - sOAZ, CyanideFI, xPeke, nRated
Moscow Five - Alex Ich, Diamondprox, Genja, GoSu Pepper, Darien
CLG EU - Froggen, Snoopeh, Yellowpete, Krepo, Wickd
Taipei Assassins - Stanley, Lilballz, Toyz, bebeisadog, MiSTakE
IceLanD - Mario810, Gemini, Tommy228, TkSing, KurenalJai
Singapore Sentinels - Chawy, HaRleLuYaR, d4rkness, EquivocaL, ly4ly4ly4
Blackbean - NLgnz, Porschkub, Insta, Eliade, Xllyra, Pungy
CLG Prime - HotshotGG, Bigfatlp, Chauster, Doublelift, Locodoco
Azubu Blaze - Ambition, Helios, Lustboy, Cpt Jack, Flame
Team WE - Weixiao, Misaya, Caomei, ClearLove, Fzzf
Team SoloMid - Reginald, Chaox, TheOddOne, Xpecial, Dyrus

Lineups are from, might not be 100% accurate

image: sjWfc

Todays schedule:
image: RYk5A

Hopefully WE, fnatic, TSM or will be one of the winners

Also remember to signup for CF LoL cup #2

More info to be found
i hope for to take it, but i guess its gonna be a clash between some koreans!
nice, you could have posted it as newspost!
Dont think it's news worthy since i'll probably make journal like this for each day the tournament goes on
this schedule with cet time, op
iNcontrol getting married
azubu gona take this :/
I really hope that will take it.

And hopefully Team FeaR will own as well!
Aphromoo coolest nigga on the whole world
aphro is toooooo good
sup with SK? why are they not playing? didnt qualified? im not following lol scene that much ;/
didnt qualify afaik
i think:
1st TPA
2nd WE
3rd CLG.EU

i would love to see FeaR going far this tournament.. + too bad quantic did not qualify

u missed Zuna @ Team FeaR + 1@ and fnatic
Hope M5 gonna win but they are trolling cause the level of game for them is too low and because of that they proceed to lose.
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