Far Cry 3, best game 2012


opinions? Isn't aimed at eSports but looks like one hell of a game...
The storyline reminds me somewhat of 'The Beach'

might download that ..:)
u need to prac :S:S:S:S:
prakken zul je!
Ubisoft developed Far Cry into quite a nice game series, too bad my PC probably can't handle it properly. Nevertheless it looks like quite a cool single player game. :)
been looking at a few videos, still dunno if want to try it or not though
looks alright this

but lets keep it real,far cry 2 looked very similar to this one and this was the shittiest game ive played in years
haven't played far cry 2 but reviews of 3 are promosing... but yeah than again reviews...
people disliked far cry 2 for being comparably linear (as was crysis2 compared to the first one).
this isnt that, not in any way.
waiting for GTA 5, the best game of 2013
quite fun but, as always, will be even better once mods start comming out
"As always"? Far Cry (1) was absolutely horrible and I haven't heard any good things about Far Cry 2 either.
far cry 1 is a classic. feel free to dislike it but the general consensus was quite far from that.
the second one had some interesting ideas but gameplay was repetitive and the world was empty.
crysis 1 was awesome, the second one too linear.
crysis1 with mods is up to this date the best looking PC game there is.
obviously far cry doesnt equate to crysis but its the same engine that has a vibrant modding community around it.
fc3 is a good game out of the box, i do dislike some aspects of it tho and i expect to revisit it in about a year with a (re)balance or overhaul mod.
Far Cry 1 started out fine with the nice big island crap, but the AI was horrible (once swam to the furthest island I could find and the entire army of enemies still zoned in on me after killing just one of them) and when the alien jumped me in the cave, I immediately uninstalled it. Could've been much, much better. I've watched some gameplay from Far Cry 3 and I have to say it looks like a fun little time sink.
i get what you are saying about AI, i personally wasnt completely satisfied with the gunplay but keep in mind how old it is. the whole roam a beautiful island (and the gfx were stunning back then) instead of corridor shooter type of thing really got people excited.
far cry and crysis both have sci-fi elements and extraterestrial stuff as part of their story line, cant say i like it to much but it isnt my decision to make and in the end i just see them as a variation of enemy (movement/attack) types.
I know what you mean and like I said, at first I was really excited (it was quite new back then). However, even then the AI was completely substandard. HL showed how it was done ages before that and even up until now, Valve's performance has hardly been replicated.
yeah but valve is valve. they do excell in many things that noone seems quite able to copy.
Funny enough they completely fucked up the AI in HL2 though. It seems like a one-off from whichever guys were doing HL1 at the time.
Kinda looks like Far Cry + Red Dead Redemption/Ass Creed "open world" gameplay. Who knows, might actually be a fun game this time around (if they introduce a few balance tweaks to keep it challenging).
Getting it right now :)
hell ya fucking great game
just dled full pack far cry 1 2 3 <3
wow did not know it was released already, buying!

also LOL http://goo.gl/UJfOq
amazing game, not playing quests yet tho... Hunting 2 upgrade my stuff.

Best game i've played in years, you are so free to do what you want :) (hunting/exploring/helping people/quests/jobs/games for money/..)
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