End of Watch

Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my favourite actors . It really doesn t need any introduction for you , I m confident you already saw him in the movie that shocked the world and I m talking about Donnie Darko. Then just to keep us on the same line of quality and high performances he gave us Brokeback Mountain , Zodiac or one of my favourite war movies , Jarhead. Of course let s not forget about Prince of Persia and The source code but let s say those was more of some box office movies rather than pointing out on artistic emotional feelings about life facts. Even so , Love and other drugs manage to be one of the finest romantic movies I ever had the pleasure to watch. So in other words Jake Gyllenhaal never disappointed me. I was pretty confident End of Watch will be a hit , but after last night I m pretty sure it s more than a hit and it can t be just my personal opinion , the imdb score pretty much proofs my point. A movie that is filmed half “normal” . half in the documentary tv reality show that Cloverfield tried to make us getting used to, a movie that is in the same time as simple as it can gets, describing I would say pretty realistic the life in the bad neighborhoods of Los Angeles and the struggle of police (I know here is a lot to discuss, but I believe some of the police officers are really struggling in the ideea of good vs evil), with a script with simple lines , spicy houmour, shocking images. If this is not enough to give 2 hours of your life to watch it , then I will also mention that the end is not a happy one. This is not just another cop –gangsta movie or good guys vs bad guys movie, although is based on this concept , but is something more than this. It s harder than you think, it s the End of Watch .

Related song from the soundtrack :

As a personal oppinion, this song would go like bread and butter in a RTCW or ET full of adrenaline movie. I see only 3 ppl capable of doing it right, PolandSpankie, United KingdomKamz or NetherlandsAti , simply because they are into hip hop and they can understand the emotion from it, would also add FinlandRuipperi but I think he retired from this.

Also as you can see on my profile http://www.crossfire.nu/user/31250/unforgiven , on 21 december 2012 , I m going to make a special journal that will clear some things regarding myself and will also be probably the date I will leave you.

in the words of the silly asian guy in community:

jake gyllenhaal?


i love maggie gyllenhaal

regarding the song, this would fit a CS:S or CS:GO fragmovie, just because of the beat and the trumpets
Than if yourself admit that it has emotion , why you asking me that stupid question bellow ?
You really need an answer to that? lol
Yea I m curious by nature. Surprise me with something clever, if you are capable
No point, wasted on an audience of hip-hop fans ;)
You call me a hip hop fan now?
Nu e inca la nivelul fratelui.

Legat de CS , haha , esti hazliu rau cu argumentul ca ar mege din cauza la beat si trompete. Ce la ET nu i place beat si trompete :) ?
How did Donnie Darko "shock" the world?

When I said shocked the world, by world I mean at least those like me who loves movies and are great consumers of this art entertainment form
Hip-Hop music has emotion?

When did this happen..?
Internet argueing about what kind of music somebody likes is stupid. Music has emotion, hip hop is a culture with a lot of history behind, same as dubstep, heavy metal, classical music, folclore, etc etc.
Flava Flav all up in this bitch btw
finally a good action movie that doesnt look like "only computer effects boom bang destroy everything with explosions" shit, + some rly nice humouristics dialogues. i was rly suprised, expected it to be worse
You are sick

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Leave keith alone!!!!
He started I end it
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