Your ideas/opinions about an RtCW/ET remake

First off I want to let you all know that this is a serious proposition that I, and I hope others, would be willing to put alot of time and effort into so I'd appreciate serious opinions and idea's. I won't bother considering things obvious trolls share.

Reading all the idea's about creating a new ET/RtCW remake, ETLive and the big developers not quite getting the feel of the games we love so much, I got to thinking. I've got a big passion for these games aswell as the Quake series, and I would love to see our beloved game in a new coat or modern day graphics, but not have the 'every game is the same' feeling most new titles have.

I believe W:ET and RtCW have become oldfashioned games and mainly for having outdated graphics simply don't attract alot of new players. If you don't know what the gameplay of ET is, why play a shitty looking game when you can play graphic showoffs like the latest Call of Duty or Battlefield? My goal with this project/idea is to take a modern day engine, heavily modify it so it fits the gameplay of ET/RtCW, and create a professional remake of the game we love. Pulling in the younger generations and new players with visual attractiveness and having the good 'old' feeling of the stunning ET/RtCW gameplay.

I'm very curious to hear other peoples opinion on this and I would like to see people discuss this. As I'm working on getting this major project of the ground, not just here, but also with indie developers with more experience.

So, what are your thoughts?
ET is a fast-paced game, and that's what makes it so special, so the one thing that shouldn't be modified is the engine, the physics, the mechanics of the game. I guess it could use some eye-candy, but ain't that what ET XReal was for? (or whatever it was called)
This project is not about modifying the current engine but using a modern engine and modifying that to fit the needs of RtCW/ET's fast paced gameplay.

I think ET XReal wasn't a complete rebuild, rather a copy of ET into a new engine with few more capabilities.
Oh, misunderstood. Then what differences would it have?
i'm fine with modern engine, but few things should stay same like hitsounds and also damage of hits. Hitboxes should be more real. Design whatever it is of soldiers and maps, just that it sticks to ww2 i guess.
quite slow compared to quake
unlimited stamina.
And how do you think you're going to do that?
QuoteMy goal with this project/idea is to take a modern day engine, heavily modify it so it fits the gameplay of ET/RtCW


you'll have a lot trouble creating an engine similar to idtech3 by modifying some cod/battlefield shit

e: not that I don't support the idea, I just doubt that you'll have the motivation (considering the stuff you said when you quit et).
Only medial attention could bring some activity, be that through having the game on steam or a new release with lots of advertisement, I doubt that graphics matter much
or actually providing coverage of offline events?
maybe... if there's a huge prizepot you might be able motivate some inactive players to comeback, form teams and rly start praccing to challenge ross' team..but then again, many might leave again straight after if you can't attract sponsor and keep up offline competition
:D You do fucking hate Seanza don't you?
not at all. i think he deals a great service to the community. after all he is the only one bothering with it.
do i wish that people who actually studied event management and know a thing or two would bother? yes i do.
do i wish that the people who do it are open to critisism rather than basking in their own magnificence? yes i do.
but after all there isnt any decent coverage for online events either, its not about him its about the lack of professional effort out into the community.
i love old style graphics as rtcw et quake etc, no need to change it to attract newfags
I think cheats destroyed ET. CS 1,6 is old game with low graph too but its support by steam and its still very popular game. Quake was dead game but QL bring it back to live. ETlive was great idea.
Another journal , same subject. Rather than resurrecting the death I see this much more simple;

1. play it like it is, stop trying pursuit the happyness when is right in front of your eyes
2. do something else if you feel this no longer give you satisfaction
Thing is, the game isnt really play-able anymore due to the low number of players in the game... Hence why Niserbac wants to do something to attract new players.
since when you need big number of players for the game to be play-able? this is based on the principle the more the better? don t share this oppinion
No, this is not based on that. Please do not answer your own questions if you have no idea what I mean.
I meant to say that there are net enough players/teams that are active to keep the game exciting anymore. You keep playing vs the same teams/players, aswell in 3o3 as in 6o6. So therefore, in my opinion, it's not really play-able anymore.
Is marriage exciting ?
What the fuck does that has to do with this?
Because they say this : marriange can become boring in time when you don t have enough action in it to keep it exciting. You keep seeing the same person over and over again. Sounds familiar? ANd yet , many couples are proof that this is not true, only for people without imagination. See my point now?
No, because this is completely not relative to this subject. I should've known on forehand that a normal discussion with you would be close to impossible
It is , but because you still young , you don t have a bigger view on the picture. Is like watching a movie in 2d and than watching in 3d. Is not the same thing isnt it?

All is need is some imagination and let go on the stereotypes. Of course, new influx of people would be welcome. But this is not all. There is no imagination here, people are playing games, that s good, games was created by people with imagination, so why not those who are playing the games don t use it as well?

Tournamens could be spiced up like for example:

Make a tournament boys vs girls . Or just a girls tournament.

Make lessons from skilled to low people (ross already tried to steal this ideea I had in the past , but it did not had enough positive feedback cause high and med+ don t wanna play with lowers ); kresti tried smt right? is his project still going? what phase is he now?

Start a donating program . to last 1 month , make a paypal account , everybody donates for 1 month , minimum 1 euro, than at the end of the 30 days u offer the money as a reward for a tournament

Make a selection of best movies, send it to eurosport. Eurosport is broadcasting cs, find out who is the manager in charge , or what department they have in charge with video games, send them a memorium , with the movies, describe the situation, make a team of best players to make a representitive match.

Broadcast on youtube live and google+ any important matches that happen.

This are just few ideeas, more can be found if only using imagination little bit.

For me it will never ever be a problem to play with / against same people. Au contraire, it would be more familiar and
I preffer things I m familiar with.
ET will never die on publics, its free, its awesome and people can easily host their own dedicated and modded servers. However as a competitive game it has had its days. RTCW has a little bit of a comeback at the moment solely because a good caster has returned and pretty much everyone on here had a boost of nostalgia. We dont have a single good caster for ET, many have tried and all of them have failed and I expect the hype around RTCW to die off quite quickly as well.
I think that every game has a limited life span, competitively speaking.
Guy above me mentioned CS 1.6 being a good and popular game. That is very much true and the steam stats support that. At any given day CS 1.6 has more players on steam than CSS does, nearly twice as many. And CSS has nearly twice as many players as CS:GO does. Hence CS:GO isnt that popular of a game (especially not when compared to something like dota2 which pulls 8x its numbers) but that is where its at competitively. DHW had a CS:GO tournament rather than a CS 1.6 tournament.
We can play the game on pubs, we can try to find scrims every now and then, if people actually manage to organize cups and tournaments we can play those. But it will never return to its former glory or anything remotely like it.
It is time to move on. Many ET players have tried to find a new competitive game. Many of us played CoD4 which I believe only had a competitive scene for the lack of a more interesting alternative..
Some even tried to find a competitive game that isnt a FPS and fell into the marketing trap that is LoL.
Which ever way you want to go its just time to move on now.
I for myself have been multi-gaming for years and havnt been commiting to a game to "pracc hard go pro" which is obviously nessecary for competitive gaming.
That changed a little lately as, for the first time in years, I have found a team-based FPS that is actually aimed at competitive play.
"...I expect the hype around RTCW to die off quite quickly as well."

- lies I tell you, damned lies!!
Well I hope it doesnt. But im not sure if a weekly cast can sustain it.
It needs fresh blood and for that it needs coverage. I dont see WarWitch try and get retweeted by his old mates who are big names now and I dont see him poiting out that even RTCW can be played for free.
Noone is advertising either ET or RTCW and if we continue hosting online and offline tournaments without coverage it wont ever change.
What makes ET so special?
Engine and have to say everything.

You can make everything for you.
Graphics (you can play on shit,on high,or even with small boxes - hallo amazon!)
Based on teamplay - You need every class for everything (cvops for destroying cp,engi to build it,medic to revive both,fops to give ammo to all of them - you need everyone at some part of the map..)
Physics - strafe , trick jumping

This game needs 3things to Impress new people,younger people
1) New maps - more maps
2) Better graphics
3) Real anticheat
QuoteYou need every class for everything

you dont need a medic, a fops, a cvops or a soldier to finish a map
etc. you dont need a single player to finish a map :D
Quote1) New maps - more maps

Real anticheat? We have tzac which is best anticheat around atm.
Rather only working..

I wouldnt call it AC..

It does nothing (almost) + chaplja is fucking liar..
Haven't seen cheater in 2 years in ET. Meaning TZAC does its job very well.
Have you ever played on pub?

how is possible that some retards (some call them zaaba and co..) can play even on their banned ACCs ?..
There are no public servers running tzac expect nbs(shit), bio(always empty) and some random shits. I rarely play publics and when I do, I haven't seen cheaters there.

No anticheat can ban you permanently. You can always create new account spoof guids and so on. There is no way you can ban someone permanently.
Then you've obviously never played on pub..

You didnt get my point,but whatsoever.. :D
You just think they cheat because they own you -.-
What the fuck?
Why i've never called book,olas,wut,gav,rosie,kamz etc. cheaters?

Your argument is invalid..
O_o. Because they are somehow known?

I do occasionally play on nbs and so on but I've never seen any dodgy actions. Actually I played on that czech ETPro too, yes the one without anticheat and there was no cheaters, only I was the only one who got banned.
nerd xD tl;dr but rtcw&et best fps games iv played period

what to do to revive et? nothing stick with it like it is , ppl are leaving to cod,cs,sc,dota,lol,bf3 and other games
gtfo already
why the fuck would we want a "remake"
We already have the game
Quote by TZAC STATSMax online in game: 1712

And that includes CoD2 and 4
I would like to join the previous speakers. Another problem is that it is relatively difficult to install ET. I know many people that have been pointed out by word of mouth. But already when trying to install ET had lost the desire. Why is there not a single setup file and that's it? A setup that anticheat and average Config contains. Just install and play. That is the Root of the Problem to get younger people without that big gaming or PC experience.There is much "talk about ETLIVE" or "let's make a remake" but to be serious: we all know that's are just empty words from people which need some attention, but never bring anything to the end. No offense but...

Please do not make false hopes because the community did not deserve this.

+ better GUI to support all the things we currently sort of *have* to do with the console, lot of the other mods support this such features already.
Steam Greenlight would solve all of those problems :{
Exactly. My uni buddy wanted to install it last year after I told many times that ET is by far better than CS.
I found myself in trouble when it came to resolve all the crashes and the errors in the console.

If one day I had to format or even get a new computer, I don't think i would bother reinstall ET..
my tought

i didnt read

wtf with all of these journals

play ET or gtfo
more Cups with prizes..
Prizes = sponsors

Sponsors = activity + popular game

Activity =! ET atm sadly
I think it would be easier to try to have ET accepted into Steam Greenlight. I think someone already tried it but did not put alot of effort into it.
this should be taught to players

image: gaming-rule-number-68
This is very true, however, better graphic games do attend to more easily atrract players.

Compare it to girls. Not knowing how good both are in bed, would you rather take an ugly fatty or a hot brunette with a nice waistline?
Lol, nice comparsion :D
I think that casual gamers prefer games with nice graphics, but competitive gamers dont judge the game by the graphics but by the game play
I had a lot of uggly fatty and few hot brunette. I can tell you this: ugly fatty vaginas are much more wet and tight than the hot brunette ones. Ask any man who had many women in his life
You clearly didn't get the point..
Nor do u know anything about women. Clearly.
You were discussing about games attraction by looks, and now you say the man doesn't know anything about women. Maybe finish a discussion before you start another?

Ow and having arguments wouldn't be wrong.
He was discussing about games attraction by looks and he used women to make a compare to proove something to zanc, something he thinks he is right. Only that he is not right, by using that compare and what he said in it is clear he dont know anything about women. Maybe try get your facts right(again) before giving me advices?
i dont think the gameplay or graphics is the biggest issues, advertising is where it failed
That could be a good idea but it needs to dont be so different from ET and RtCW
needs to be a simple install from Steam
blah blah heard it all before, im happy playing competitive rtcw and fun et mixes once a week
Ok so you are saying we should do things that normally a company of developers do and get paid hundred's of thousands. If that was even nearly possible it would've already happened.
man you dont get it... this has been said xxxx times before and I think barely anyone even believes in ETlive anymore either. Instead, just surprise the community with a prototype. By now anyone approxemetly knows what people wantout of the game, not much to discuss. What reason to discuss a remake? Ofc it is needed, but just do it and dont hope for answers like "you are our savior" or whatever...
Actions mean a lot more than words, all you "re-makers" should just get on with it and keep us updated with the progress made rather than give us false hope as usual.
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