Wolfenstein ET Comedy

ET PRo seriouss bussiness, bring more fun like this and perhaps more players will join this mod.

Also I believe we should promote more ET PRo in Africa because there are black people and black people can jump really high and they have good sense of houmor
didn't laugh once :|
raining men and sinking parts were kinda funny
No, just no.
TG! sale retarder!
oh lawd
hey bro you okay?
watchin random chinese deejaying on LoL stream
crazy meeeen u?
wasnt very funny but made me realize how much worse ET is without oasis.
And without battery and without fueldump. Watching first ati movie and see what maps they were playing. Now they only play supply and goldrush and ironically ironic thinks is a bad ideea to bring more maps. Lack of imagination is what the et pro comunityh miss , and not necessary the players.
I never said it's bad to "bring more maps (:D)". I said it's not needed to make new maps.
5/5 would watch it again
hilarious...or is it?
haha laughed at every one :D

fucking brilliant
what are you sinking about?
ok there was 2 funny ones though :(
best video ever.

QuoteAlso I believe we should promote more ET PRo in Africa because there are black people and black people can jump really high and they have good sense of houmor

I did actually laugh at that, not that it was anywhere near funny, quite the opposite actually.
That is terrible ... in what way this is funny ?
2:57........... thats just retarded
" dis is zee german coastsguard" "whatss are yous sinking abouts"

it's taken from a commercial by a company which produces dictionarys, language learning helps etc
Ye, was on the tv in Holland aswell. Was pretty funny :p
enjoyed :)
Only 2 funny scenes within 5 minutes :( a lot of stolen stuff
oh god :(
eheheheheheh no. :D
I must admit to have been very amused. A nice way to let your creativity run wild. I want more of it.

To all haters:

If you can not laugh at it, maybe you're just too cool for that.
Did I ever told you how much I love you ?
prolly goes into top 100 of the unfunniest things ive ever seen
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