my country is fu**ed up

ofc, as you probably could conclude from the topic im Pole.

I am living in a small polish village and 3 days ago in this village a 11 years old boy hanged himself on the chain after 3 suicide attempts of his dad.

WTF is wrong with this country? 11 years old kids do suicides.

E: looking at the comments, todays life is fucked up
how many 11 year olds do their live in poland?

do the math
Same shit happens all over the world. For example on September 2010 in USA few kids commited suicide because they were made fun of in school (mostly for their probable homosexual orientation).
Is not cause it happend in Poland. The answer must be searched inside his family and his family group. He was either bullied inside his fam or by his friends. This is the most common reason. RIP
omg video games omg GTA omg war games omg marylin manson omg
Haha, inb4 that indeed :p
welcome to reallife retard rofl
Belgium, this week

1 boy, 13 years old jumps off a bridge
1 girl, 18 years old jumps in front of a truck
( not on the news, but a local person shot himself )

purty fucked up yes
nothing wrong wit h that if u dont wanna live so why live :D
Suicide is probably the most selfish thing u can do
Can't agree more. People always say I'm a dick for saying stuff like that :{
so is eating
selfish would be to live without giving a hist bout nobody
An Austrian 13 years old boy jumped out of a school window 3 days ago
no shit poland is fucked up xDD
it's fucked up that he killed himself but what's even more retarded is that he had failed 3 times before that
he didn't tap out the last 3 times :D
rofl i noticed my small mistake :D

not "3 suicide attempts of his dead."

but "3 suicide attempts of his dad"
Edit it then, it's so confusing
it's the kid, who was fucked up
If any country is fucked up its China.
Saw a video of a girl around 3 years old get hit by a car, people just kept walking and didnt help her at all
I would've done the same.
He failed killing himself three times, I think the world is better off. How can you fucking fail at commiting suicide? Just jump of the tallest building you can find, game over.
you forgot that hes polak
He prolly lagged then idd
Wasnt that funny :p
no 'dead' but 'dad'

i made a mistake :D
ppl so afraid bcuz world end XD
we need to nuke ourselves. it's the only way
everything was better when everyone lived in small caves and were friendly
In Lithuania not long ago a 9 year old boy hang himself, then two 16 year old girls hang themselves...And we are actually the leading nation world wide in suicide rates:
So no, Poland is not an exception.

But if you check the table - the lowest suicide rates are in southern located nations who mostly have strong religious traditions. Highest rates are in countries with conflicting values, where in a short period of time religious values got forcefully replaced by communist values and then by capitalism that knows no values, just profits and competition. So in a result we get people who are being raised by one values, but are living in totally different - harsh competitive reality.

And if you want to see whats wrong with today's kids, go play League of Legends in a ranked game (especially back when tribunal wasn't enforced) - if you play bad, you will be considered a subhuman and get cursed and wished dead by most painful means they can think off. They feel no responsibility or shame for there words, but have huge amounts of negative energy to express. Now imagine being a kid growing up in such environment...
In both Islam and Christianity suicide is one of the greatest sins, and we can clearly see how it is reflected in the statistics, most nations with true Islam or Christianity following are in the 2nd half of the table. While most of the the nations on the top are widely atheist/ex-communist or influenced by different religion that has no strict views on suicide.
Also I don't blame video games, but a humans behavior in a video game (or other anonymous environment) can tell a lot of underlying problems and how widespread they are.
fucking retard
see what I'm talking about
You are right, todays youth is so different. Our generation was already worse than the one of our parents, but todays kids are horrible. I remember when I came to highschool ( i was 10 back then ) I really had a lot of respect towards the older students. But when I was in my last year of highschool, all the 10 year old guys were so disrespectful :D blocking the corridors when you wanted to pass, etc. It was so strange and you really could see the difference.

I actually blame the media and the technology in general ( and also the parents, who allow their kids waaaay too much, for example getting a PC while being 10 years old or something, cant end in a good way). When i was younger, I spent a lot of time outside, playing soccer or anything else. But today the people sit inside and play videogames, watch TV etc. And you probably wont find anything where crime or swearwords are not a part of it.
yes, when i was young(im 18 now but most of my childhood i spent on a pitch playin football with other kiddos, now it is hard to notice any kid playing on the pitch in my village :S
so you got bullied by 10y old kids, sad to hear this
Expected you to be a bit smarter, sad to see this.
you know it was supposed to be a joke but I must have hit something if you react so butthurt
Dude, after I have seen so many retards on the internet, I didnt expect it to be a joke. But whatever ;-)
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