BO II Impressions ...

Anybody playing it competitively?
image: chicom

Kirby on the side, cause why not.
hihi mezz.
Please repeat the line you wrote in your head.
Hmmm ... If I take a look at how much you earn with the go4bo cups the question still seems legit :)
Yes just like minecraft competive
Does it still, after knowing that there is no 'own server' possible in it ? (there's only the ones hosted by activision or wtf is behind the game) and knowing that the last decent active comp. CoD was #4 ?
MW3 wasnt too bad at all :D but the fucked up thing is, that those new CoDs have an amazing ESL opening cup with 100 teams and then every week they lose 10-20% of active players.
Heh actually indeed, also something they fail at is not releasing Linux binaries for their games (mw3 still doesnt have em) which keeps ppl from hosting servers also
Yes, right. But that is not the worst thing. Atleast there were server in MW3 and kind of a mod which was enjoyable playing.

But the reason I didnt go to BO II is that host bullshit again. Because if you are from europe and play against a russian team they are still allowed to host their side themselves which causes you a north-siberia-village ping of 200.

And also the completely rest of the game is just made for console and not for pc ATALL.
Haha indeed :DD Meh I'm sticking to BF3, enjoying it just like I first enjoyed ET in 2004 :$
every 10-14 year old xbox player does ! :DDD
Looks like shit
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