CS:GO 50% OFF!

Again its 50% off and cost only 13,99 € 6,99 € !


So get it! :)
again?! missed the sale before

i guess the sale will be better on christmas :)
image: counter-strike_global_offensive_special_promotion

How come it's cheaper for me than for you? :D
inb4 ppl flaming about poor estonian country
Perhaps it has something to do with Germany and Belgium instead? I mean, Goku had higher price also, yet everyone else had the same, lower, price.
Nigger flame incoming, prepare your anus.
dont know, its more expensive here, btw you sure its not the gift price?
Yes, I am sure since I get the same price while I am not logged in.
I have 5,49e as well (czech)
QuoteValve divided Europe into two virtual regions, so games in the Steam Store may have different prices within Euro countries.

Region 1:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland

Region 2:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Vatican City

Guessing it has something to do with minimum wage, though I wouldn't expect Norway to be there.
Yes yes, Norway is a very poor country. They got loads of oil and other expensive resources.

But perhaps it is as you told.
so Valve dosnt even considder Iceland beying a part of Europe? :D
same prize :)
I would not give money for video games not even if I would be Donald Trump. Specially no cs
Why are you even on this site?
An American, a Russian, and an Estonian are riding in the same compartment in a train. The American takes out a pack of cigarettes, offers one to the others, and then throws the rest of the pack out the window.
“What did you do that for?” exclaim both the Russian and the Estonian.
“Ah, in America we have so many cigarettes…,” replies the American.
After a while the Russian takes out a bottle of vodka, offers it all around, and then throws the rest of the vodka out the window.
“What did you do that for?” ask the American and the Estonian.
“Oh, in Russia, we have so much vodka…,” replies the Russian.
Time goes by, and the Estonian sits in deep thought.
Finally he throws the Russian out the window.

Why is that in Estonia young mothers change their children’s nappy only once a day?” “-Because there is a note written on the packet: up to 4 kg.
So you never had a chance to wear a nappy?
This are estonian jokes, I m romanian :P

Why you even hate on me, try make an exception, look, stop hating till december is over, than you can start hating back from january 2013. Let s all be friends now for a month, deal?
I didn't even hate you, but you making those stupid racist jokes changed it.
Now wait just a moment , all I said was that even if I would have Donald Trump money I would not buy video games, and all of the sudden you asked me a mean question and than I posted funny estonian jokes, where is racism in here ...? How many estonians called me gypsi and I was cool with it, even though that is racism not to mention completely unpolite. Come on...be serious.
The question "Why are you even on this site?" wasn't anything to do with hate. It's a site for video games players and you saying that you wouldn't "invest" money into video games is just stupid.
I bet there's more sites for you, to post this random crap you're posting here.
It is just stupid for you maybe, however it is I think a right to say it, considering that I don t offend the video gamers by saying this and also considering that the video gamers here and everywhere I m pretty sure they think same like me and they use cracked games just like me. So if I m guilty of being a minority and you think you speak for a majority than feel free to think yourself being right.

Could you please point me to some websites where I can post the "random crap" ?
image: 21c2hh

He is whining to me and accusing me of racist jokes, even though there is no racism against estonians in those jokes, but he has no problem with you and you clearly flame him and his country. I don t really get it , do you have some special super mind control powers?
He is my friend but not yours
Boom in his face.
Wanna be Potty :). Gotta love this
Who's Potty?
I am Ed.
Well I kinda agree making anus jokes between friends , but I think is kinda hypocrite to say I post awful crap and you re not just cause u re his butt friend and I m not. Good luck lover boys, I won t interfere in your relationship. sorry, have a nice day
You're just jealous that we get along good yet we can flame each other.
But then you're saying one bad thing and boom everybody is all over you. I mean clearly - you are jealous.
Using cracked games doesn't make you look nice at all that's why every crack releaser says "if you like it - buy it".

4chan is just for you.
Give me an honest answer: You never played cracked games? Did you bought all the cracked games you played if you liked them?

4chan : here is an interesting story for you. I never knew about this 4chan, nor did I visited more than perhaps 5 times till I did not heared about it. Where do you think I heard about it?
Of course I've played cracked games and I've bought some originals as well afterwards if I REALLY liked them.

Don't care, it was just a hint for you to keep the awful crap out of here.
What kind of awful crap are you talking about ? I just said I don t spend money to buy video games. That s awful crap or perhaps I should have said some not so awful crap like : "Nigger flame incoming, prepare your anus." Bye , you are hopeless lol
Hey, just wanna say your comments are dumb as fuck
Really? We were talking about games and you clearly talked about wrong stuff in this comment.
cs has grown into my eyes a lot for the past 1 year and half
i'm willing to pracc hard go pro
sa ai bafta , mie nu mi place si eu jucam cs in 1999 in net cafe uri la greu. nu mi place si basta.
hm think i already bought it :s
must be an awesome game thats selling good
yea bought it last week
hey Scatman
bought for 7,69 euro all counter strike games week ago
na co ty kase wydajesz XD
na to na co mi sie podoba ciulku
i asked my partents to buy it for me as xmas present
lolol me 2!
does the game have a community site or something to find team etc?
invite me-warrock960
or ^7blizz
seriously i dont get it. It's like cs:s with some differences to the gameplay and graphics
still can't afford ":D"
50% for me as well apparently, I bought it for 5.99 GBP - 7.38 Euros ;S
add me <3
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