500 Hz @ Windows 7 x64

Could anyone assist me with this ?

I already tried this : http://vexed.ca/article/mouse-optmization-1000hz-mouse-polling-on-64-bit-systems/
But somehow it didn't work :P
had problems also with my new laptop few months ago, somehow managed to set 500hz following other tutorials but still test programs show me 125 hz (dunno why, since i feel this 500hz while playing et/cs), using ms 1.1
tbh i cant really feel the difference but i would like to have it at 500 Hz (Good practice) :P
Thank you for your input.

follow that word for word(!) and it will work. Done the same with Win7 x64
I've tried that, never got it to work :'(
you're copying or pasting in the wrong map/file.

try it again. At first it didn't work at my pc cause I did smth small wrong
meh kinda gave up on it ages ago, but might try again somewhere this week :D
Not working when setpoint is installed.
well that explains everything :D Thx m8
the link he gave, is working for me aswell!

remember you have to write "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys" when you selected "Sign a System file" on "Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider"

if you dont get it to work then you should be ashamed and buy a "gaming" mouse
I haven't read the article you linked. However here's the fix that worked for me every single time, at least on my PCs at home and LAN. I have had problems with a couple of LAN PCs back then though. I blame it on other software and crap others installed that fuck with the routine :-(. Even the mighty abort couldn't get them to work!

http://www.upload.ee/files/2880469/w7_500hz.rar.html (Easy readme included)
got the same package and as i said before, managed to get that 500hz coz i feel diff ingame, but mouserate.exe still shows 125hz :C
Got the same :D
I suspect that if you used an razer of a logitech mouse where you can set the Hz in the driver. And switch to an WMO or w/e where you cant control the Hz in the driver this workaround wont work anymore.

(Sorry for my english)

:) thx
that ofc work...

but im asking myself if the contrary work??? (e.g. you made 1000hz for a ms1.1, you want to switch for a ss mouse with 500hz)
1000hz without doing anything.
Sensei ftw.
zowie AM . no drivers, no problems
have you ever used an ms 1.1??? or even a ss sensei???

if yes, how is the shape compared to those mice???
ive used a SS xai which has pretty much te same shape as sensei i think?

compared to the Xai it has abit lower back but size is pretty much the same. feels nice
ok, wat about the middle of the mouse???

is it higher than the xai or the same??

i would like to know because i like the ms 1.1 shape and sensor (exept that negative accel) but i dont really like the sensei shape.
Well im holding it next to it right now. The Zowie is a little bit smaller but higher. The Xai feels like my hand is on top of the mouse and the Zowie feels like its in my hand and not on top. (But thats different for everyone due to hand size. Also the Zowie feels ALOT lighter which I like.

Button layout is exact same only SS has the dpi button on the top and Zowie has it under the mouse.

Ive used both mice for a long time and I prefer the Zowie beacuse for me it feels just abit nicer.
ok, thats answer my question.

Thanks :)

btw have you ever had any problem with that zowie mouse?? (like mouse button default or something)
havent had a single problem with the zowie
i tried hours with same os and then noticed i had wrong version of the fix and thats why it didnt work
USBHz_Win7.rar is the working file, I myself fought for 5hrs until I downloaded the same file with another name and it worked!
i dont have windows 7 so everything works perfectly for me, u mad?? :PPPpp
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