[LoL] Pre-Season 3 Patch omgomgomg

Pre-Season 3 patch is live, downloading it atm while watching some streams.

Summoner's Rift

Gold adjustments
Ambient gold gain increased to 16 per 10 seconds from 13 per 10 seconds - gold gained from farming lane minions and jungle monsters have been slightly reduced to compensate
Melee Minion
Base gold value reduced to 20 from 22
Ranged Minion
Base gold value reduced to 15 from 16
Siege Minion
Base gold value increased to 40 from 27
Scaling gold value based on time increased to 1 from 0.5
Minion gold values now update more often on a 90 second interval instead of 180
Kill and Death streak adjustments
Kill Streak bonus now caps at 500 Gold, down from 600 Gold.
Kill Streaks and Death Streaks now accelerate faster by roughly 50%.
Example: A player with a 4 kill streak will be worth 500 gold - compared to before which required an 8 kill streak.
Example: A player with a 4 death streak will be worth 126 gold - compared to before which required a 6 death streak.
Assist Gold
The bonus gold added for multiple players participating in a kill has been reduced to 150% from 158%.
Initial difficulty of all jungle camps has been increased
Camp difficulty and rewards have been re-distributed more into the large monster in each camp
Scaling difficulty and rewards of the primary jungle camps have been significantly increased
Overall rewards have been re-distributed between the 3 primary jungle camps (Wolves, Wraiths, Golems) to better match their difficulty and convenience
New jungle items have been added to the store and old jungle items have been adjusted
Leashing has been changed
Jungle monsters now attack the closest target rather than chasing their original target
Whenever jungle monsters switch targets it counts as a “leash” - the maximum amount of leashes after which jungle monsters will reset has been increased to 10 from 3
Jungle monsters now deal 50% bonus damage to non-champions (ex: Malzahar's Voidlings, Shaco's Jack in the Box)
The “Banking” system that caused jungle monsters that have stayed alive for a long duration to have slightly increased rewards has been removed
Giant Wolf
Base Health increased to 900 from 550
Health per minute increased to 40 from 31
Base Attack Damage increased to 35 from 24
Attack Damage per minute increased 0.7 from 0.44
Base Gold increased to 44 from 40
Gold per minute increased to 0.65 from 0.43
Base Experience increased to 153 from 128
Experience per minute increased to 2.3 from 1.5
Movement Speed reduced to 443 from 510
Critical Strike damage reduced to 150% from 300%
Base Health reduced to 300 from 360
Health per minute increased to 25 from 16.5
Base Attack Damage reduced to 8 from 14
Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.43 from 0.286
Base Gold reduced to 4 from 5
Gold per minute increased to 0.081 from 0.054
Experience per minute increased to 0.32 from 0.2136
Movement Speed reduced to 443 from 510
Critical Strike damage reduced to 150% from 200%
Base Health increased to 750 from 400
Health per minute increased to 39 from 28
Base Attack Damage increased to 35 from 25
Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.75 from 0.5
Base Gold reduced to 25 from 33
Gold per minute increased to 0.72 from 0.48
Base Experience reduced to 103 from 105
Experience per minute increased to 2.1 from 1.4
Attack Range reduced to 300 from 650
Lesser Wraith
Base Health reduced to 250 from 275
Health per minute increased to 18 from 12.1
Base Attack Damage reduced to 10 from 17
Attack Damage per minute increased to 0.33 from 0.2195
Base Gold reduced to 3 from 4
Gold per minute increased to 0.054 from 0.036
Base Experience reduced to 15 from 22
Experience per minute increased to 0.16 from 0.1064
Big Golem
Base Health increased to 1000 from 950
Health per minute increased to 48 from 37
Attack Damage per minute increased to 1.6 from 1.05
Base Gold increased to 45 from 40
Gold per minute increased to 0.8 from 0.38
Base Experience increased to 137 from 117
Experience per minute increased to 2.4 from 1.55
Movement Speed increased 350 from 300
Attack Range increased to 150 from 100
Magic Resist reduced to -10 from 0
Base Health increased to 500 from 450
Health per minute increased to 37 from 25
Attack Damage per minute increased to 1.3 from 0.84
Gold per minute increased to 0.23 from 0.15
Experience per minute increased to 1.6 from 1.08
Movement Speed increased to 350 from 300
Attack Range increased to 150 from 100
Magic Resist reduced to -10 from 0
Ancient Golem
Base Health increased to 1500 from 1350
Lizard Elder
Base Health increased to 1500 from 1350
Young Lizard
Base Health increased to 300 from 250
Base Health increased to 3500 from 3200
Health per minute increased to 240 from 220
Attack Range reduced to 350 from 500
Baron Nashor
Base Health increased to 8800 from 8000
Health per minute increased to 140 from 125
You can find full details on the jungle changes in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here.

Twisted Treeline

Increased low level death times and slightly decreased high level death times
Reduced the amount of experience split by two and three nearby players
Clarified the mana regeneration bonus on the altar tooltips
Tweaked Altar vision rules
Neutral altars will no longer grant vision
Stealthed champions can no longer capture altars
Evelynn will be revealed if within 300 distance of a capturable altar (this is to allow her to capture altars without expending spell cooldowns to forcibly remove herself from stealth)
Blackfire Torch
Reduced magic penetration from 20 to 15
Decreased maximum charges from 25 to 18
Decreased the duration of the burn effect from 3 to 2 seconds
Increased the delay between charge gains from 1 to 1.5 seconds
Increased the burn amount from 1.67% to 1.75% of max health per second
Fixed a bug that caused the first tick of burn to not consume a charge
Grez's Spectral Lantern
New Recipe: Cloth Armor + Vampiric Scepter
Total Gold Cost: 1250 (combine cost: 150)
+25 Attack Damage
+20 Armor
+12% Life Steal
Unique Passive: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 200 bonus magic damage.
Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
Temporarily disabled Lord Van Damm's Pillager (conflicts with new Black Cleaver)
Temporarily disabled Wicked Hatchet (conflicts with new Executioner's Calling)
The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
Hunter's Machete
Madred’s Razors (reworked)
Spirit Stone and its upgrades
Liandry's Torment
Homeguard Enchant
Ruby Sightstone
Runic Bulwark

Crystal Scar

Increased global mana regeneration aura from 1.5% to 2% bonus regeneration per 1% of mana missing
The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone and its upgrades
Liandry's Torment
Homeguard Enchant
Ruby Sightstone

Proving Grounds

The following new Season 3 items are disabled:
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone and its upgrades
Homeguard Enchant
Ruby Sightstone
Crystalline Flask

General (Stats)

Basic Cost for Stats
Attack Damage has generally been made cheaper by roughly 5 to 10%.
Attack Speed has generally been made more expensive by roughly 20%
Armor and Magic Resistance has generally been made more expensive by roughly 10 to 20%
Basic items have had their statistics and gold values adjusted to match.
Premiums for Tier 3 items
Gold premiums on Tier 3 items have generally been reduced across the board. This means that the deeper the build tree - generally the less statistics the item gives or the more expensive it will be compared to before.
Penetration Changes
% Penetration now applies before Flat Penetration. This means that combining the two statistics will amplify the effect of both - compared to live which reduced the effectiveness of both.
Last Whisper's Armor Penetration reduced to 35% from 40%
Void Staff's Magic Penetration reduced to 35% from 40%
Haunting Guise Magic Penetration reduced to 15 from 20
Sorcerer's Shoes Magic Penetration reduced to 15 from 20
Movement Speed
Movement Speed bonus on all Boot items has been reduced by 25
Base Movement Speed on all champions has been increased by 25


The following items have been removed and items that build out of them have had their recipe changed:
Meki Pendant, Regrowth Pendant, Force of Nature, Ionic Spark, Moonflair Spellblade, Cloak and Dagger, Elixir of Agility, Leviathan, Soul Shroud, Heart of Gold, Madred’s Bloodrazor
The following items have been changed and have had their passives and statistics modified:
Malady, Phantom Dancer, Zeke's Herald, Guardian Angel, Lich Bane, Eleisa's Miracle, Randuin's Omen, Deathfire Grasp, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Tiamat, Black Cleaver, Tear of the Godess, Archangel's Staff, Manamune, Executioner's Calling, Morello's Evil Tome, Warmog's Armor, Avarice Blade, Aegis of the Legion, Hextech Gunblade
New Items
The following items are new and will be available on Summoner's Rift:
Jungle-Focused: Hunter's Machete, Spirit Stone, Spirit of the Ancient Golem, Spirit of the Spectral Wraith, Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Support-Focused: Shard of True Ice, Mikael's Crucible, Banner of Command, Twin Shadows
Attack-Focused: Runaan's Hurricane, Zephyr, Sword of the Divine, Mercurial Scimitar, Liandry's Torment, Statikk Shiv
Defense-Focused: Frozen Fist, Ohmwrecker
Boot Upgrades
All Tier 2 boots can now be upgraded further with an enchantment for a gold cost - All Tier 2 boots share from the same pool of enchantments.
Enchantment - Alacrity: Increases Movement Speed by 15.
Enchantment - Furor: Dealing damage to a champion with a single target attack or spell grants you a movement speed boost that decays over 2 seconds.
Enchantment - Distortion: Your Ghost, Teleport and Flash cooldowns are reduced by a percentage.
Enchantment - Captain: Allied champions moving towards you gain a movement speed boost. Additionally, nearby allied minions gain a large movement speed bonus.
Enchantment - Homeguard: Being at fountain instantly restores your health and mana. Additionally, you gain a very large movement speed boost that decays over 8 seconds. This passive is disabled if you are in combat.
You can find full details on the items in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here.

Summoner Spells

Now available on Summoner's Rift and Crystal Scar
Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 125
Shield amount reduced to 95 + 20 per level from 100 + 25 per level
Improved Barrier increases the shield amount by 20 instead of reducing the cooldown by 20 seconds
Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4 seconds
Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
Cooldown reduced to 60 seconds from 70
Radius reduced to 1200 from 1400
Improved Clairvoyance now maintains sight on units revealed by Clairvoyance for 5 seconds instead of extending the duration by 2 seconds
Now restores 40% maximum Mana to you and nearby allies
Improved Clarity now increases the Mana restoration by 25%, up from 20% (total 50% max Mana to you and allies)
Now reduces Attack Speed by 50%
Movement Speed reduction reduced to 30% from 40%
Now reduces all damage dealt by 30% from 70% for attacks and 30% from abilities/items.
Cooldown increased to 300 seconds from 265
Improved Flash is now calculated after other Summoner Flash cooldown reductions
Health restored per level reduced to 15 from 25
Amount allies are healed for increased to 100% from 50%
Improved Heal now increases your champion's max Health by 5 per level instead of increasing the Heal amount by 10%
Cooldown increased to 300 seconds from 270
Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 180
Now always increases your movement speed after reviving
Improved Revive now grants bonus Health after reviving instead of a temporary speed boost


Masteries have been reworked
All Mastery Pages have been reset
You can find full details on the new Masteries in the Pre-Season 3 website, located here


Runes have been renamed to be more representative of their actual function (e.g. Mark of Desolation renamed to Mark of Armor Penetration)
Lesser Mark of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 0.72 from 0.93
Mark of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1 from 1.29
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1.28 from 1.66
Lesser Mark of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.49 from 0.53
Mark of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.68 from 0.74
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.87 from 0.95
Lesser Glyph of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.35 from 0.38
Glyph of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.49 from 0.53
Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 0.63 from 0.68
Lesser Quintessence of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1.42 from 1.85
Quintessence of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1.99 from 2.59
Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 2.56 from 3.33
Lesser Quintessence of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 1.11 from 1.21
Quintessence of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 1.56 from 1.69
Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration reduced to 2.01 from 2.18
Lesser Mark of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 0.5 from 0.56
Magic Penetration increased to 0.34 from 0.32
Mark of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 0.7 from 0.74
Magic Penetration increased to 0.48 from 0.44
Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 0.9 from 1
Magic Penetration increased to 0.61 from 0.57
Lesser Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 0.99 from 1.11
Magic Penetration increased to 0.77 from 0.72
Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1.39 from 1.55
Magic Penetration increased to 1.09 from 1.01
Greater Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration
Armor Penetration reduced to 1.79 from 2
Magic Penetration increased to 1.41 from 1.3

PvP.Net 1.72

Recommended Items no longer appear in the Champion detail pages. This change does not affect the information displayed on the League of Legends website or the in-game store.


Base Attack Damage increased to 59 from 56
Attack Damage per level increased to 3.2 from 3
Titan's Wrath shield amount increased to 100/150/200/250/300 from 80/130/180/230/280
Base Armor increased to 25 from 21
Base Health Regen increased to 8 per 5 seconds from 6
Base Armor increased to 24 from 21
Northern Winds duration increased to 6 seconds from 5


Retreat pings will now be team colored in spectator mode.
Target pings will now only last 6 seconds in spectator mode.
Directed camera algorithms have been improved.


Fixed a bug that causes projectile-based skillshots to not appear when fired out of the fog of war (ex: Nidalee spear)
The Nexus turrets in The Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds will now kill invulnerable units.
Updated all bots' items, masteries, and summoner spells to account for Season 3 changes.
Improved bots' summoner spell logic and made usage consistent across all bots.
Fixed how custom game TT bots adjust to players' laning decisions.
Spells that target your own champion will now put an outline glow around your champion.
Unbound default key bindings for 'Toggle Health Bars' and 'Toggle Minion Health Bars'
Champion passives will now display their cooldown time over the passive icon.

Anyone nerding already?

Link to new items:


nerding hard, weird shit, idk what to say atm other than i dont like this too much, but that could be just cause im so used to old one, but alot new stuff to learn on items/build wise, guess its gonna be fine in a week or so
Yeah, I'm checking the new items atm, trying to figure out what to get for which champ/lane/job.

Have you tried jungling already? It will be so hard for new people to start jungling :(

And how the fuck am I supposed to Tank-Support as Taric without a damn heart of gold?
how it can be hard while u start jungle with new item and 5 pots and u are able to do whole jungle without problem o_O welcome to s1, u can always start with armor cloth and 5 pots as well (or even doran, wickd style on master yi back to s1)
O well, there is that jungle thats quite harder, big mobs having more hp, but well u have new item + 5 pots, tried jungling and wasnt that hard.
Looks like freaking shit. Seems like A LOT more hard to jungle. And also tank items cost more nao, gg, time to paly some ET.

ps. Rammus buffed! <3
jungle is fucking easier nowadays
buy that new item for 300 gold + 5 pots u can do whole jungle without backing (for example with master yi)
its not really easier, idk where ppl get this from, its actually pretty decent now, and counter jungling plays bigger role
Rammus buffed and jungle clear slower than before :)
played 2 normals, didn't like, uninstalled, it's time to play some et
Doing 0/8 with TF @ normal isn't reason for uninstall mate.
dont like it tbh :/
just played my first game after the patch, jungled lee sin, started with that machete thing and some pots, u have to use kinda many pots early, and somehow i got the impression u level up faster, didnt go for counter jungle or got counter jungled, still got fb on lux in mid, so apparently getting early kills with lee still works kinda good, but after all its weird, it takes alot of time to navigate to items u want (this will change once u get used to the new shop though) and some items just seems so freaking op

this hurricane something with teh 2 fire bolts, oppo built it on teemo and its insane

ye new design and stuff ---> will get used to it, like every graphics change
new items-->suck dick, but will have to handle it

after all, pretty much half of a new game to learn, luckily my exams are over next thursday and i have time to learn it xDD
Shop is bugged and is lagging and stuff.

New support items op but expensive

hard jungle (didnt really test it much, focusing on support shizzle atm)
Why support items do you mean?
As for me, who plays Taric a lot, the lack of the heart of gold kinda sucks
the lack of HoG is really showing atm, i feel soo squishy but i think i will just make philo + 2nd part for shurelyas and leave it like that so i still get gold and complete it at 15-20min mark or something, still figuring it out as i said...

The items, CC break (removes all silences stuns slows fears etc. from ally and heal for some ammount), then activated slow aura, situational if u have a jax / xin on your team it might be really op
best item atm? Eleisas Miracle + Ruby Sighstone. Infinite wards + perma stats with item consumed -.-
just buy that new ward item, it gives some HP as well
hon > lol
perfect time to make the transitions to dota.
rather than stick with LoL while it tries to go somewhat legit you can just go ahead and learn the real deal.
Havent played yet, gonna nerd alot tomorrow till sunday.
Expecting alot of nerfs/buffs to new items. Bugfixes etc. within two weeks.

Im pretty excited about all the new shit tbh
Heard its shitty,gonna try it later.
get life all
some parts r nice, others r shit.. like nerfing athenes
Pantheon will be so happy with that new Black Cleaver.
wtf is this new shop

dont know but i feel like so slow to farm & lvl up with lee in the jungle :s
Now a bunch of items earn you gold too for support so you can ignore the HoG, also now when you even hit the enemy as a melee you get 5gold/hit
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