Internship abroad (England)

Hello Crossies,

I was hoping some of the English guys here could help me out. I am trying to get an internship in England for my 4th year of my current studies (Media / Web Development). The expenses are a pain in the ass though, as I have to pay for basically everything (the chances to get an allowance is close to 0%) Also, I will be staying there for a full school year, so it has to be a nice place! (Obviously, there is the possibility to stay at a colleague's place, but I want some more information)

Since I'll most probably have to pay for everything on my own, I can't afford a luxurious apartment in an expensive city. So I have some questions for you:

I heard for example Cambridge and London are great cities to scout for internships (and great cities in general to be staying for a longer period of time) , but they are very expensive, is this correct?
  • What cities are relatively cheap when it comes to sleeping accommodations and general living supplies ?
  • What cities would you recommend when it comes to my studies?
  • Of course, I want to experience England as well, what cities are worth spending the majority of my year? (Also looking in the course of inviting friends over and seeing England in general)
Why won't your parents help you out?
That's personal :)
You've been a bad boy?:o
maybe hes a grown up man who doesnt want his parent to help him out and reach success by himself
You sure about that? you never know with these nerds.
not every parent wants/can give out thousands of euros 4fun
I can, u jelly?
but you shouldn't and hopefully you're not a parent yet
Why not? I'm still a student :(
It's not "for fun", it's for a successful future
still, some people have to earn their money on their own =P
Yeah I know; though I found it kinda odd they wouldn't give a cent for his studies :p
a cent? I imagine it could easily cost something like 10k€, a year in some good UK university :F
Exactly the point, they should help him out for such a big sum, it's probably hard enough flr him to get that kind of money
it's not necessarily that simple
oh come on goku, dont be a spoiled brat :D
My parents don't pay anything for my studies/housing....
All i get is free dinner once or twice a week :<
Hmm yeh.. I still think they could help him out a bit :)
Middlesbrough a lot cheaper than staying in London :)
i myself have stayed in London and even-though I had a great time, I wouldn't suggest you to do so. It is simply way too expensive and i was lucky enough to have the company pay for my stay

maar heb je xfire/msn/skype/irc/whatsapp/aids/kanker?
Come to Cambridge so we can hit the pubs hard.
Try to get a room in a student dorm, they often give it out to internships.
Or try to "subrent" a room somewhere or move in with other people.
All that makes accomodation cheap.

In germany, long internships (>3 months) are often paid and you can get discount at the company's cafeteria, dunno how thats in England, tho.
Why england?
come to germany. you can sleep in my place :D
Well, I want to study English after I finish this, so going to England for my final year seems a smart move.. I might come and visit you some time though! :)
If you can afford it on an internship somehow, London. 100%
Could you elaborate? :)
Why dont you get allowance?
Well, there is this "Leanardo da Vinci" foundation that supports students going abroad, but the chances are big that I won't get in touch for that
Most likely because you dont have to complain ^^ You just dont want to spend it.
If you think I have the money to both pay for my courses and the internship abroad, you are wrong though
Then you should get support.
Ye really think it's all that easy?
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