image: scatmanB

Yo crossis,

as you saw, i made a lot journals some days ago about CS:GO and im addicted to this game and i decided to get a EPS player in CSGO.
With the actually team we surly can reach our goals in some time , to get a name in germany and MAYBE international :).

So i want thank all guys i played with, begin from my first ET clan Germany Vitamin C Junkies with winnig the Winter cup 2005 and ending with Germany MYserious.ET on the last Adroits ET lan some month ago.
I meet a lot of nice people and wont forget anything in my mind. ET made my DAY ;).
Starting with a ISDN connection on the awesome [UNITED] publics , nerding pubs like Austria goq's pub and Sweden efterlyst killing legends like Austria potter and DSKY.morty :D and ending with owning BiO pub <3 :D

Big thanks to my awesome polish mate Poland cymky who made all my movies <3
If you want help with CSGO and i got time i can maybe help you or play some games.

Stay in contact #MYSerious.go

I'm the Scatman

Ski-Bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo dab dub dub
Ski-Bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo dab dub dub

I'm the Scatman

Ski-Bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo dab dub dub
Ski-Bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo dab dub dub

B-B-B-Be Bop a Bodda Bop
Bop a Bodda Bop
Be Bop a Bodda Bop
Bop a Bodda Boop
B-B-B-Be Bop a Bodda Bop
Bop a Bodda Boop
Be Bop a Bodda Bop
Bop a Bodda Bop

My ET-history :D :
Germany Vitamin C Junkes *VCJ}{ScaTmaN
Germany Business District [bd] ScaTmaN
Germany cs3r , cs3r^ScaTmaN
Germany Insane Teamwork inTw ScaTmaN
Germany exorbitant exorbitantScaTmaN
Europe dark&beyond d&b ScaTmaN
Europe We never cheat minus-gaming wnc'ScaTmaN
Europe back2basics b2b-ScaTmaN
Germany Lost Soldiers lost^ScaTmaN
Europe GAMEdivision GAMEd ScaTmaN
Germany MYserious MYs.ScaTmaN
Belgium nothing impossible nI'ScaTmaN
Germany Northern-Darkness nD'ScaTmaN
Germany OVERLOAD ovr'ScaTmaN
Europe FATGames FATGames'ScaTmaN

Maybe i do a comeback if TEAM GERMANY.ET needs me , np! :D j/k <3

lova ya guys!
Fucking attention whores, if you're gonna quit then just quit, no need to announce it to the world, tell people in private if it means that much to you.
im just awesome, people will miss my cless posts! :)
Skip prac, to flame a random faggot in the internet, gg-
prac days wednesday thursday sunday gg
I actually wanted to know this

Good luck.
bb cu next time
Didnt mention my name... CUNT
g5 party was best party in my life <3 the 4 the ticket mate ;)
Auf wiedersehen, oh wait! :D
the day scatman quits et is the day this game REALLY...i mean _REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLY_ is dead
thx mate <3
gtfo catman
the song is just as dumb as you, you fat fuck
haters gonna hate <3
polaks calling other people dumb
:) gl hf und so!

xlibres war trotzdem dein bestes team, du hattest die ehre mit mir zu spielen <3
best of luck mate, hope your wishes are getting true <33333
gl hf man,you will play some casual ET sometime im sure :)
one who's friend with cymky has to be retarded, so fuck off
inSpiron downloaded the game yesterday ;)
nog ene nodig :D?
ja misschien wel effe kijken hoe het gaat lopen, we zijn nu wel met de originele lineup.
Parent :)
I will miss you mate. Mixing with you was cool.
lol care
attention whore ...
butchji > ScaTmaN ( =
gl with cs

btw can i change crosshair to red ingame? :/
yes u can but idk the command anymore, last time i played this game was like 2 month ago :P just join and ask the guys there im 100% sure that some1 gona help u :)
schade aber viel glück scati :)

Scatman: "gg wp specially to Specula! awesome aim :S"
hihi :P
da war er 100% besoffen^^
das war vor 2 jahren
siehste, zu der zeit war scati alkoholiker^^
from loving a dynamic shooter to addiction to camper strike. HOW
this comment makes no sense imo!
wie kann eine frage keinen sinn machen das erklär mir mal
"from loving a dynamic shooter to addiction to camper strike."

richtig gute frage!
bye faggot
gl with that shitty ass game.
a new drug?
image: c9lc6k1y4h5v6l5wc
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