
Darkest of days my previous journal was spammed by people who noticed I got 2 porn websites on favourites. First of all let s be clear : X Art is not porn , it is education through sex.
Pornhub is porn ok but is also a social network, and I got a lot of women I talk there to and that s the only reason. Cause where you nerds think you can find best females on internet? On facebook? No, on PornHub

Now the real problem I wanna talk to you about is overclocking. How I end up here? I was mentioning in the previous journal Darkest of Days that I have some problems running the game. Only person who was very helpfull , HolyShit, he actually helped me nice and well and the problem was fixed. However ,even if I m running with the last nvidia driver , the game lags a lot. So , because I don t think I have money to buy a better video card , and to do that just to be able to play this game, I was considering overclock.

Please tell me pro and against oppinions concerining overclocking the videocard.

this journal made me lol XD
Alles goed? Wat ben je aan het nerden de laatste tijd?
Street Fighter
nah, nu ff niet :p
Lolled about ur Pornhub story, fapfap with webcam girls? :P

But about overclocking, the pro is that your gfx card will be faster but your card will get hotter too. So don't go to far if you dont have decen't cooling and airflow. Keep watching the temps, higher temps usualy means lower preformance (too cold isn't good either). Try to keep them bellow 80 Celsius in stress and between 25-40 C in idle will be normal (depends on room temps too).
Ntune doesn t work , I get an error "gpu test failed" , I m going to try with riva tuner , but perhaps my video card doesn t support overclock or the bios is fucked up , or my mainboard fucked up, I don t know, not going to push it cause I don t wanna fry it, if rivatuner doesn t work, I quit
I only have experiance with overclocking ati / amd cards, but there I always did it in the drivers. No need for more 3rd party tools. But I don't know how it is with nvidia.

Good luck with it!
Thanks man. Btw try play darkest of days. From what I saw it has something similar with Wolf even the atmosphere
Sounds nice, I'll give it a try in the weekend.
so that was your excuse to hide the fact u're a worthless piece of shit wanker mad coz virgin ?
so this is your excuse that in real life no girl will ever talk to you because you are ugly, completelly unexperienced sexually, even fat girls run away from you , big boys flame you since you was in the 5th grade and at the university they called you freak and nerd , and you started to develop a second personality on the internet, where you trying to be what you are not in real life?
engineer living with my gf, got my house, got my job :)

What do you have ? ah ! pornhub social network friends !

Nobody knows that. On internet you can be the president of United States and nobody can know if is true or not.

Free encounter, married, got 1 kid, house with 4 rooms, garden, courtyard, no car at the moment, experiencing sexual possitions with my wife, is this real life?

Show me what you got
no car but 5 cars full of gypsies in front of house, ready to go lan anytime? i wanted to say nigga pls but it'd be an insult for black people.
Insult for black people but what are gypsies ? And what are you ? As much as I heard, there are gypsies in Poland as well. Maybe you are one too.

p.s. Watch out for mana , I heard he ready to smash some faces
yeah i see some of your countrymen everyday when they're trying to wash car lamps @ downtown, but they don't last for long ¦D i guess this is what you call an 'american dream' out there but whats the point? am blonde, blue eyes btw, bright - this is far from gypsi canons afaik.

and i don't understand that p.s part. you know we're pals with Finland mana, right? not even a nice try, i know you can do better oldman. surprise me!
I don t denie in Romania lives a lot of gypsies. You can t denie in Poland lives a lot of polish gypsies. Our 2 countries are not the only countries where gypsies can be found. The fact that many gypsies this days coming from Romania , are spread around Europe got nothing to do with me.

Why would you tell me you are blonde with blue eyes , where in fact in Bucharest where there are more than just 1 particular race of gypsies, there are also blonde gypsies with blue eyes ,makes no sense. That s right, not all gypsies are brown and dark hair and dark colour eyes. I met some gypsies which were just like you , more white than you can imagine. When they started to talk in their own language I almost shit my pants laughing cause I never knew gypsies can be whiter than a white. During the time they mixed with a lot of other races so this days is easy to confuse.


You re friend with mana? ok, Let me give a fuck. oh wait, I don t
that's something we can't check on web browser favorites unfortunatly :X

bg bb noob
You obvioussly are very interested in me, if you checked every single second of the video I posted. You have a life huh?
QuoteShow me what you got

Although i may be intrigued i dont feel the need to prove myself. however, I'll tell you what i don't have;
Down syndrome

by the way, why would you be using pornhubs so called "social network" to meet "the best women on the internet" while you claim to have a wife and child.
Is Tomoyo and others who check on me every second , spy on me the best they can. For the love of fun and to give meaning to their life, I m willing to sacrifice myself so they can be happy.

I don t brag about things I have, was a response to Tomoyo, perhaps you are blind.

I said I talk to those women, I don t meet them. My wife doesn t know I do that. Sorry mate when you going to be married, you going to do a lot of things your wife will not know. Is life. But hey, how could you possibly know what life is , if the best thing you have to do is follow me ? Is good to have fans
I think your definition of a fan might be out of order, i think you're the single most retarded person on this website, and that is quite an achievement with people like banga and seareal here.
This kind of bullshit I already heard and is nothing new. You are a simple copy-paste to me. Original is not your top quality. Therefore because I already established in my brain that you are shit, I can now move on for the next smart ass
Yeh cus im sure if she would knew what are u doing, it would be divorce at the same moment she would find out.
How can you be sure about something so complex ? There are ancient philosophers we still quote this days that have not manage to find the secrets of man-woman relationship and you think you figure it out?
Cus its not hard to understand the womans mind, they re by far more jealous than we re, knowing that when they commit to relationship they become very protective towards their beloved, and would dislike any kind of acting like that, specially if u would be talking to some girls on porn site, none of the girls/wifes would find that pleasant. U dont need to be a scientist to know basics of relationships.
So if my wife finds out I talk to women from pornthub he is going to ask for a divorce? Damn, I better get rid of that than
Not exactly that, but she wont be happy either.
How would you know?
Cus there's not many girls that would be happy seeing u talking on porn site, most likely wont only believe that u re chatting only and not watching porn, its to complicated to explain and im to tired to go into details..
And how y ou know what many girls does? Are you expert?
As stated above, u don't need to be expert to know certain stuffs.
That certain stuff...you don t know it unless you are expert or meet a lot of women. A LOT! Is this your case?
so if you eperience sexual possitions with your wife why you have to look on the sites? Well good example for your kid anyway :D
Why the hell you nerds like to talk so much shit? Go do your homeworks and watch your own bussiness , you don t even know how a vagina looks and you wanna give life lessons to others. Go back to school nerd
I dont talk shit i just exactly said what you stated above. You have no reason to insult me like that or assuming shit while you dont know me or my life.
you have no right to judge me. mind your own bussiness and keep the shit for u
i didnt judge you, and the statement "mind your own bussiness" does not really apply here since you posted it on the open internet. Everyone is allowed to view it or reply on it given they have a account on crossfire.nu
I posted not about pornhub. You don t visit pornhub? good for u. I do, and it is what it is.
pro - a little boost
contra - shorter lifetime
mad nerdo journal?
fap fap

+depends how much you boost by
-what your machine is capable of without blowing any shit up
-need a decent cooler if you haven't already got one

google overclocking <insert gpu> to <insert value> and watch videos on how it's done
Nvidia tune failed, rivatuner asks me for some values which I dont know, Project aborted.
Everyone faps, why hide it like you never fapd in ur life? rofl
First time you talk normal.Congratz
Wtf? I talk normal most of the time i comment
Wut is fap??? ://:$$Ss
<darkrider> is fap caused by mutation?
use MSI Afterburner for overclocking, good program.

oh god...
Depends on ur vid card itself, secondly ur cooler is important as well, easiest way to know if ur GPU is good to overclock is by googling ur type of graph and check some forums or videos on youtube for OC and then decide if its worthy or not.
My 5850 blew has bsod ffs :(
ok overclock your GPU. i would recomend you to use rivatuner v 2.11, spend a good 20-30 mins just getting to know the software, alot of people talk about blowing ur gpu, ill tell you now its not as easy as people think, normaly if you give it to much va va voom you get a blue screen, anywho least with riva you can just set it back to default

some motherbords allow you to overclock gpu direct from bios, if you have never overclocked in bios then ill say leave it well alone, in bios srs damage can be done if you play with the wrong thing.

alos typically overclocking anything at stock voltage go for about 15% and no more
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