Demo Recovery

So i had a lot of demos in a file i accidentally deleted yesterday. (shift+delete)

So my question is
Is there any way to get them back?

And if so how?

A little help would be appreciated.

image: tumblr_l76r5bHXyN1qc49er



The key is that after you realised the mistake , not to copy or move or delete any other files , cause this operations can overwrite the sectors where you had the data you deleted
There is tools to help recovering files from hard drive, but they are not 100% effective.

- do not use your pc, get Hiren Boot CD, boot from live windows xp (so it will use RAM instead of hard drive... that helps making sure the hard drive won't be overwritten) and use one of the tools there.. there is alot to recover files.
- Or download RECUVA
- or similar tools
Don't use the shift key :O)
Do I smell a attention fixed movie coming up?
artstar been asking me for demos for like 2 years now and when i was sorting out some shit yesterday i accidentally deleted some part of them
Why bother with the past, are you still active?
Not really but i have the some of the old demos, lost 19gb of demos somehow and there is no way of recovering them but the demos i deleted yesterday where new once from 2011-2012
If nothing works out, there's nothing left for you to do other than becoming active.
et isnt that active anyway and it would take a while to get the material i had :p
It depends on players like you whether or not it's active.
Artstar won't do anything with the demos anyway :o]
well atleast he wants them :D more then i can say about anyone else :D
this is annoying, used some tool and i found files that i accidentally deleted but not the demos ;/
try diff software
fumble: i'm better at headshotting than phyzic, he just does more headshots
xiiter frags = insta delete :((((
ég á ennþá fullt af eikkerum demo-um sem þu sendir mér eru í fap möppunni( minnir samt að hafi ekkert verið spes frögg þar samt alveg eitthver )
ja matt allaveganna endilega uploada teim svo eg geti sótt þau.
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