Is it possible to get out elohell ?


started with an 960 elo account,1260 elo result after 9 out of 10 games won.

image: nyJ0f

image: BVhbV

image: XlnxP

Enjoy <3 many lovez from best lol streamer in the world=ME, JAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJA
I approve of your Ahri carry :)

you will get wallshot at 1400-1500 barrier
allready passed that on my main bruv, and i wouldnt consider that as elohell, i wouldnt even consider elo hell exists but, the elo hell range as peoplesay it is in between the lowest rating untill the 1200 so im passed that
in this season
i started playing ranked again
everything started nicely
with 6-1
then 11-2
then 13-3
then 16-14
then 16-17
i reached 1465 elo
1237 atm or something :S
im guessing you are talking about your personal scores, well if you manage to die 17 times in a game on the 1400 elo range then you might have had nice teams of people who know what they are doing without you having to tell them what to do, and you probably dont know how to play when its the other way around, you have a team of incompetent players and you cant get them motivated enough or lead them to victory.
You just hve to keep an good attitude and seriously you will raise again.
ofc if you really belong at higher elo ;)
im at 1964 atm, u jelly:\
yes, but ill be there 1 day since 1600 elo is so easy, just need to nolife more
1260 is the worst elo hell there is, people at 900 elo atleast have played quite a few games, but the guys at that elo have just begun their journey down so they can't play for sht.
There is no elohell, but it has a lot to do with luck. Some people get nice teams in 1200-1300 elo because of that being the starting elo. I mean, some players have played over 1000 normal games before going ranked and if your team consists of these players you can get easily past 1.3k but if you are unlucky and get those "Play blind pick until lvl 30 and go ranked" guys there is a high possibility to end up losing your elo quite a lot.
point proven, they have played alot of games and still suck in personalskills and communication, that is harder to work with, if you consider yourself as the one carrying the team, you have to communicate in an orderly fashion, i won my game again just now only because i tell them wat to do in the teamfights, we came came back from an 10-2 kennen and his team with a 15 kill advantage, only because i tell them what role they should forfill in the teamfight.
So believe me, if you have the personal skills to reach 1700, you will reach 1700, if you are stuck at 1100 then you most likely are an 1100 elo player.
I tell my team what to do, they flame me and go afk:D
believe me when you say to your team to do this and that, when you're 7/0 or something they will always listen.
yes, but when you are a support they flame and go afk
i went from 800-1400 and then from 1250 to 2250 so...
and then 2250 to nerd nolifer? x:d:x::D/x:/D/d
When the fuck will trash realize theres no such a thing as elohell.
currently on 1871, but due to german telekom's greatness I've been playing with 150ms for 1 1/2 week now =)

e: yes it is, i played from 1150-1450 with 11-13 elo per game in only two days with a friend some months ago
ok so thats like 25 games and you probably havent won all so lets say 35 games, in 2 days???? bitch pls get life :D:D::D:D:D:D
hi im in eloheaven
came from 880 to 1200 then now i have 1411 (after reset)
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