CS:GO create your own !

Crosshair, some days ago the user "skarbo" create a X-hair editor, he posted it allready on reddit.com and became many compliments.

Try it out and post the CMDs in your config or just use the same x-hair as Sweden GeT_RiGhT

Link : http://www.krisskarbo.com/csgocrosshair/#background=3/color_g=255/color_r=0/color_b=0/thickness=2/alpha=255/color=5/dot=1/gap=-5/size=5/style=2/usealpha=1

HF! its awesome! :)
Using it for a few days now, took a bid red dot, like in ET
I heard that in W:ET you can change a lot more.
whAt is W:ET ?
i think i hitted something with tickness 100 size 100 and gap -4......

Anyway gtfo you made journal you quited
path to config?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
do I have to edit the config.cfg or can I just add a new file with those cvar's and exec it? (does 'exec' even work? xd)
uhhh, I think you can add autoexec. You can also make config like "crosshair.cfg" then you go in-game and exec it.
stop spam gayboy
so much hype for a game that is basically cs:s
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