Going to London

Yo CF, what's up?

Going to London from monday to friday with my girlfriend, just doing a citytrip :)

Any places that I shouldn't miss? I'd like to see as much as possible in those five days :)

if you love the underground london music scene i suggest you visit vinyl shops :)
hey guys look at me i need attention
How is that attentionwhory?
homiee has a good point a lot of the vinyl shops will give you an idea where to head for good live music too.

bars, adventure bar is always cool the oxo tower is very pricey but lovely views, hit up camden for the people watching, i always loved Hyde Park too.
especially at this time of year... Winter Wonderland!
Take the megabus to Glasgow and let's party hard.
Let's meet up there :B
you would be his gf?
nonono you were supposed to reply "give a fuck" but yeah you ruined it
cant help it u dont know what 'as if' means lol
Go away, we don't want you
Camden Market
visit twin towers

not sure if you're stupid, or just stupid
well dont ask me for help getta Shrimp

i dont got time for ideots
gigglyigglyy gingernerd?
You're girlfriend is gonna get kidnapped and you will get raped! WELCOME TO LONDON!
Even though I am rather skinny, I sure am more muscular than you are
Who said that I am gonna rape ur black ass?
People won't rape me, they'll run away
Naaah they will! :C
sex shop
If you wont like London,you can always sell the girl out and go fkn USA man..
got some advice for you SWERVE
Go ahead faggot
Pls stop talking shit that coming to transylvania means u will meet transexuals, I m willing to accept some flaming comments even calling me gypsi , but from this to talking that shit that we here are more fucked up than the ppl in your own country is a long way and i won t accept.

Pedhopiles from your country, italy, uk etc don t go to thailand and other assian countries cause of the world crisis , and since romania and other poor ex comunist countries are more close they preffer to come here. so if u lookin for sexual freaks look in your own backyard. lucky for u , i have no knowledge about black pedophiles yet, but white lunatics who have mind of a pshycho, i can give u at least 10 media examples over the last 10 years.

have fun in london and yea watch out for what banga said. is more real than u think





want moar?
Shut the fuck up gypsy faggot cunt
image: frabz-derp-c97d4a
funny. my image bout u, how did u know this is what i think bout yourself? must be some self aware feeling bout who u really are that guide u through your life the moment u made first sound till now.

well , is good at least u was not one of the victims of those belgian priest. god knows what would have become of u in that case. probably they preffer light skin
image: q9k72ja7et6qv2d3a7gk_thumb

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more pls make me proud u r belgian

Dont worry, I'll be polite for a change and ask you something nicely.
Just out of curiosity, what is it that you do to make a living? what have you studied and what did you end up getting?

This is genuine curiosity, I dont know why but i've always pictured you as a janitor or something like that.
feel free to prove me wrong :):):)
u are a troller and a flammer. got nothing to discuss with people your type. between u and me , i would love to be a janitor . a special one. specialized in cleaning earth of scumbags. probably this will never happen, and tomorrow morning u going to wake up happy of your so called perfect life , look up on the window and ask yourself what will u do on that day?oh i know, u going to write some shit on internet as ussual. ah well, gl with your mma training, if there s some true in it, i won t be mean and say that i hope some1 will hit u accidentely in head and u will end up drinking vitamins with a straw and pissing through tubes for the rest of your life.

edit. further more, u dont even know the context of what i wrote to goku and why. but u can join him. u 2 feet each other well in the world of ignorance
Stop posting shit about Marc Dutroux, would you. You don't have ANY clue about what Belgium has been through for the past 15 years and I think it's time to let it go.

Thank you.
yea well first of all is not shit , is a simple article bout him also pls tell goku to stop talking shit(real bullshit) i quote : "i won t go to transylvania cause i dont wanna meet with transexuals". imagine how that makes me feel.so somebody tell him where the transexuals coming from. no problem in his choices of trip, i was just trying be friendly, and he would have been able to come with some normal excuses if i may call it like this, but i preffer arguments, a list places not to visit or smt, but serioussly to tell me this crap , really hurts my soul and since he is your buddy and nothing more i hope, maybe u can put some sense in his monkey jumby head , cause i dont know bout u, but if i would have a friend like him i would either put some sense in his head or i would stop being friend with the guy. cause i don t wanna be friend with an idiot but obvioussly u have a lower level in selecting your company. bassically i m tired of a black teenager to call me gypsi and say that my country is similar with his in sexual abusing child issues and murder children issues and now u can both go fuck each other butts u hypocrite douchebag . do that 4 me if u really care bout your friend
What the hell is wrong with you?
If you don't like the people here, why do you keep browsing crossfire?

Plus Goku is not my "friend". He's a friendly & great guy from the same city I study in.

You shoud really go outside sometimes. Or stop browsing weird websites all day long..
luv' ya 4ever fRi€nd

e: ce mecton est un vrai trou de balle :D
Il n'est pas bien dans sa tête à mon avis :D
did u read anything i said u stupid teen? did u understood the context through what i said what i said to your beloved nice guy goku? i got a question for u smart ass: why u lecture me bout things that apparently for u got some major emotional effect but u don t lecture u r nice gay friend not to insult my country and me if i m just recommend it as a touristic objective to visit? isn t funny how fuckin idiot u are? and why should i be surprise u 2 are so nice to each other.
To be honnest it's really hard to read your words since your walls of text lack of ponctuation and reflexion.

1. Goku is not gay.
2. You probably are.
3. Some months ago when you had a lot of troubles with people on this website, I still had in my mind the guy with which it was fun and easy to play. I've now changed my mind.
Let me tell you something: by acting like a martyr you make things easier for all your haters. Stop posting. After all you have other people on "special" website to share your ideas with.
[19:55] <+un4given> but still u should visit transilvania kenzi.
[19:55] <+un4given> find things that modern western world forst bout it long time ago
[19:55] <+un4given> forgot*
[19:56] <@Kamz> was ok
[19:56] <@Kamz> ;\
[19:56] <@Kenzi> will do when i get bored un4given
[19:56] <@Kenzi> Kamz what kind of contract is it?
[19:56] <@Kamz> 6 month fixed
[19:56] <+un4given> :o kenzi trip to romania is not for when u get bored :OOO
[19:57] <@Kenzi> when I'm not bored I go to London, NY, Paris, Amsterdam
[19:57] <@Kenzi> not fucking transylvania
[19:57] <+un4given> rofl
[19:57] * kAPOTIZMALIBUOF is now known as kApotiZmAlibu
[19:57] <@Kamz> :D
[19:57] <+un4given> why u got such a bad oppinion bout transylvania i bet u don t even know what transylvania is mate
[19:57] <+un4given> don t listen to what media has to say
[19:58] <@Kenzi> no but I know what transsexuals are

now pls stfu and go fuck yourself together with your goku

You realize people make fun of you, right?
so i make fun of them back. problems officer?
No, you are in great anger.
Makes you look like a complete mongol :/
so i m mongol number 2. goku best mongol though and u doing a great job helping him. now pls let me tell u smt: i don t need your fuckin lecture cause i dont take lecture from kids. u want attention go talk to your papa. i serioussly don t care bout your mumbo jumbo . to bad of those museums u say u visited , cause u did not learn a thing. encouraging goku with retarded remarks under the excuses of a joke, makes me proud i m not a negro kid from congo adopted by some white child molestors family in belgium.
So much madness, hate and racism in your comment.
Man.. you are so in distress at the moment.

Just to let you know: I'm not joking.
When we used to play together by the end of summer '11 you looked great and clever to me. Now you are just a lecherous snake.

I don't think anybody really appreciates you here. The question is: are we all stinking persons or are you the one to blame?
Think lengthily about it.
i m not the one who says in transylvania there are transexuals that is your friend and he don t even know a single thing bout my country. that s enough for me to hate him. and to see u how u take his side , is enough to hate u as well. any other questions?
In fact, I was taking the "stfu about Marc Dutroux" side.
As usual you overreacted..
in fact u r stupid. and me taking in consideration to give u some time and space to waky waky on u and give u some attention is even more stupid. from now on everything u say goes on my "delete" zone fuckin tard
QuoteStop posting shit about Marc Dutroux, would you. You don't have ANY clue about what Belgium has been through for the past 15 years and I think it's time to let it go.

Thank you.

Quote[...]now u can both go fuck each other butts u hypocrite douchebag

You insult me and run away.

on a scale 1 to 10 how imbecile u are? your friend can make fun of my country , with sexual stupid jokes, ignoring the truth that the sexual freaks comes from your country mostly(ironic) and yet not only that u have no problem with it , but u pretend is a joke , which by your moral standards is funny and absolutelly normal, but u also defend him. u have the behaviour of a kid who suffered tremendous unnatural abuses during his childhood and now u are in the denie phase where u think unnormal things are normal. tell me, are u one of marc dutroux victims, i m starting to think both u and your congo mate are. sorry for u , but i don t have the patience to threat your brains. talk to some proffesional doctors
So much truth in this post, it's insane
Plus you talk shit about Marc Dutroux and you are the one watching cameras with underaged girls.
oo really? ouch, goku 2 rises. fuck off
I bet you and your wife are transsexuals xdd
i bet u was adopted
Damn I am offended xdd gipsy transsexual :dd
Marc Dutroux waiting for u. or who knows maybe he already got u. explains a lot regarding your brain
poor molested kid. feel sorry for u really
lol nerd giong to londn cititrip wiht gurlfrend to watch sightseing xddddddddddd lol nerd nice live xddddddd
Trip advisor buddy :)

Ca bosse blindé. D'un côté comme de l'autre. Partir à 2 semaines du blocus. :D
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