Monitor got smashed.

Yay! So the deal is my main monitor got smashed. Now im using my secondary monitor which is 4:3.
Now i just need to think about monitor to buy. Any ideas? Im thinking about 120Hz monitor.
yooo zeeta!

I would buy a 120 Hz monitor if I was you
And heres something to cheer you up.
image: 08122012131
some1 was mad
I was just leaning on it :D
2 questions.

1. Why was your monitor in a position where you were able to lean on it? Instead of being upright and being used how a monitor should be.

2. Why the fuck would you lean on it?
Samsung S23A700D is sexy and pretty cheap
Could i get one with armored glass screen?
Buy a 120hz screen, really.
if you decide to get a 120hz monitor, make sure you have the right ports on your vid card
afaik, hdmi and vga dont support the bandwidth for the high resolutions, dvi should be the way to go, not sure

edit: if you tend to break your screens often, get a crt
why did u hit your monitor?
I'm kind of short-tempered. Besides i've been pretty pissed off for few weeks.
i understand. smashed few keyboards and some mice. never monitor. u hit it with the fist or some object?
Fist didnt hit it too hard didnt mean to break it.
your fist all right? in the end this all what matters. fuck the monitor, although is not quite good what u did . well i m not going to say some smart shit cause i know how it is, try do some sport when u feel u getting mad
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