Counter strike: GO

Me, ZeeTa and Tursas are searching for 2-3 guys to make a 5v5 team with. We aren't really good as we just started the game. (All of us have played CS earlier though). We got TS3 for playing and stuff like that so np. (:D)

/q Tursas
/q zeeta
/pm tursas
/pm me

image: hot-girls
Voin pelailla välil:)
oh goash. why didnt you start playing cs:s when it came out? just same shit over again with new textures maybe and some minor "gameplay" changes ,_,
it was boring when cs first came out its boring today ^^ guess ppl r just transitioning to somewhat bigger/more active community in the fps genre aka are forced due to state of et :P
Rather quit playing then than playing some shit game. Like I did!

edit: so in the you are just wasting your time.
im playing sc2 ^^ its not that horrible of a game but kinda slow and boring for me tbh ^^
but sometimes a cs game or two is quite fun :P
we need a few guys for et.csgo cup & other shiznit send pm if interested
avi for playing some games
avi pme
Jos haluutte pitää suomalaisena ni kai mäki voisin tulla pelailee välil: D
kerkeisin pelata vielä kuukauden verran ennenku pitää mennä inttiin... lisätkää steamiin ottu93/pannari
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