[Stream] BO2 CTF OCL Cup!!!

Hello again ETers!
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Tomorrow is a bloody exciting day as we finally get to see a blackops2 ctf cup that is finally trying to take the game away from the S&D Gametype. I'm a big fan of ctf on any game and it really can work on cod if people give it the chance, hopefully this cup will allow people to see how great it can be!

Now I'm sure some if you have been messing around on pub with ctf on bops2 (frop I see you!!) and thought damn this is quite fun, how will it work in competitive play? Well, here's how - the rules that have been set for the OCL CTF cup are;

Win Condition: Total Flag Captures

Time Limit: 5 Minutes

Respawn Delay: 7.5 Seconds

Capture Limit: No limit

Round Limit: 2 Rounds

Enemy Carrier: Delayed

Auto Return Time: 30 Seconds

Pickup Time: Instant

Return Time: Instant

So if you really want to see a new gametype being explored on this game that does have potential if people are willing to try new things, then tune in tomorrow (Tuesday 11/12/12) at 19:00 CET to see some awesome CTF action!

Link : http://www.twitch.tv/2mlt
Casters : Pansy , Tommeh & Mark
Time : 19:00 CET/18:00GMT
Good luck! :)
definitely check it out! will be great
BO2 CTF CUP CHECK OUT stream http://www.twitch.tv/2mlt
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