bSTURZ says bye bye

GermanybSTURZ says good bye to ET :) After finishing 4th this EC its time to take long break.............
Maybe we will come back for possible next ESL/CB cups maybe not. Anyway it has been fun to play ET all these years. Too bad that the state of ET atm is rly bad, nobody praccing anymore :/ need some cups asap

Quote by Our captain specula
I can exactly remind how fuchs and me build bsturz two years ago. We had many ups and downs but we survived it. But to know that fuchs will disappear for the next 10years makes me just sad. I wasted the last 2 years with that nerd and now its over. Also i gona miss sly who I meet 8month ago but to know that I will roll LoL with him makes me happy ;)
well im happy that i had the chance to play with such great players like fuchs, vokki, swani,mili and sly. Its sad that we stopped now but we have to look forward and be realistic now this game is dead. I hope that we make a comeback in few month but i doubt it. but ye it was nice time with u all but now i have to say goodbye

Quote by Swanidius
Was fun to play with my good ET mates. We had good teamspirit despite we whined sometimes alot:D We were quite underdogs at the beginning of season but we managed to pull good results. For many people it might be suprise but for me I knew always that we have great potential.
I think I quit competive ET till next cups... I think I have never had a break longer than 2 months in my 8 year career lul! I feel a bit sad to leave this great game for a while:( Im making my final movie atm and it will be released shortly :) Shoutout to whole GermanybSTURZ team and my all time favorite Finlandturbot<3

Quote by slyzz
Normally I didnt want to play et active again but then I merced one time for bSTURZ and since I met fuchs and specula, I decided to play again also I said I wanted to prac only 1 day per week but ye it failed ;) I had alot fun to play with that team, I never expected that we would have the chance to beat so many awesome teams. I hope we will play again together in the next EC with the same lu. We would still play but fucking milhaus fucked it up with his fucking ping otherwise. j/k Im glad to have the chance to meet the fintards swani and vokki :)

Quote by fuchs
Thank you all of the et players. Had a Great time and im really happy with bsturz performance in this ec. And testi ur still gay!

Quote by vokk
gg nice clan gaming

Quote by milhAus

Shoutout to all who we have played againts in different cups and pracs <3 (no hard feelings)

The latest lineup was:
Czech RepublicmilhAus

finally Specula leaves ET
gl and right decision
Well, first of all, im really impressed how you guys rise to one of the best ET teams atm. You really did great. A lot of work and dedication shows that.
Secondly, sad to see you guys leave.
Thirdly, really well done on EC. Hope you guys are really proud of yourselves.

Too bad too see you guys leave, but hopefully you'll continue in ETlive or such =)
GL in the future, whatever it may bring =)
this post made me depressive and sad :'(
I remember playing against you guys was a massive pain in the ass, every single fcking time. No offence, meant it in a positive way :) Congrats on your 4th place btw.
Gl in LoL!
Swani on paras <3
is there a ec running? :o who won?
le awesome coverage, i did not know it aswell :D
specula new scatman. wish you'd both quit CF too instead of just ET.
maybe say that to my face@lan?
Pretty sure he "quits" every other week
wont happen since this site isnt just for et, also for lol and csgo :)
CF is for wolfgames. fuck off to hltv or teamliquid for the other games.
I think you should mention that to Pansy :D
people can give new insight and shit to games like she does, but is this a LoL or a Wolfenstein community?
oh, that sounds better than what I said :D
dont be so rude mate <3 :)
both of you are writing comments daily about et being dead, I don't dislike either of you but in the last few months you started to get annoying. rtcw is a dead game, im able to prac that everyday. it's ok that you play csgo now, why do you need to continue whining bout et :D
my last post about ET is dead was in our IRC conversation, if i would read some nice news about ET i would hype it also, im rly exicited on ETLive and hope it success... so dont be that harsh to me mate, i only play CSGO since ~ 3 weeks active. And also as i said, ET is still the best game imo.. but the most important thing is missing, competition and defiance IMO
a great day
i love the positive way of thinking :)
I'm just frustrated that the game I play so long time now dies
same here lets build a team and win EC
nice joke ^^
np - last team left and EC is ours
last team = last winner np
Don't let your affection give you an infection put some protection on the erection.
Keep the crap out of crossfire!

Keep it in your diary!
Too bad, GL in the future guys
didnt read
Watched all ur matches in EC and quite a few were epic..Hoping to see u guys in future tourneys
wow team of the year (not even a pocal in EC 2k12) leaving, i feel so sad

drama bitches, gtfo
cu in 2 weeks
I just realised that swani played EC :D gg swanim8 :=)
Who? okay
haha, we (high5) came back to play some games with nice lineup, but after we realised only bsturz and tag were praccing we gave it up after couple of offis, cause it was so boring to still play this game. now i think there's no good team praccing anymore? sad to see this game dead like never before. gg, maybe we'll come back for polish lan or smth:P was a nice years spent here
omg ET is dead now
this time its true
Cannonize stopped, Scatman stopped and now Swani and Specula stopped ET. Must be dead now :'(

Where's my shoutout Speculam8!?!
swani didnt give that much time to write this
gona fix it m8 also forgot to mention my bros testi,fizz,ercan and deltona ://
no blowjobs anymore
no omg and i forgot u also :////
lukasz forgive me
I just peed a bit...
hahaha losers
Specula never quits :D
`bb! homos
awesome team ,awesome players ,awesome people <3

love u guys.
love u also m8 <3
The greatest people from ET skilled with no ego and nice personality
been nice playing with you and hoping to see you all back as a team
Goodluck in future mates :)
any1 else noticed the switch to 6o6 killed ET?
it did have a pretty negative effect on the teams
so KAMZ killed ET , so the vicious circle close :D
my master plan worked
srsly who cares about u?
cu rtcw
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